Online marketing is a vast arena, and without a proper strategy, it is impossible to break a buck from an online business investment. You may have the best of the product to offer, but without a streaming chain of buyers targeting your business page, it is impossible to make a sale. So, investing some time and resources in marketing efforts is one of the essential aspects of online business.
Marketing online for any new business is a challenge where all the established related businesses are owning the ad world, spending thousand to get featured on social media platforms, and deploying strategies to top rank the search engines. Amidst such conditions, cannabis sellers have altogether different ball game to play. The cannabis products are still under the clutches of law and order, deeming it illegal at the federal level, makes this task complex. Moreover, several social media platforms, including Google, restrict cannabis advertising, so an online seller often faces a tough time bringing traffic to their business.
1. Get a pro website.
Your website is the face of your online business, and a well-crafted landing page says a lot about your business standards. Your landing page must be user friendly, displaying all crucial information of the company, along with the product information and custom packaging. Likewise, smooth checkout navigation is essential for conversion. It is important to go for on-page SEO to make your page marketable. Use targeted keywords like Weed online canada and also build for a mobile-friendly version of your website to rank higher on google search engines. You can also take some professional help to build a search-engine-friendly website. There are plenty of opportunities to build credibility through customer feedback.
2. Get hold on Influencer marketing.
While you may not be able to run ads on Instagram and Facebook, there are some other ways to penetrate social media marketing. You can collaborate with some health and lifestyle influencers, probably those who have engaged the audience and some baseline connectivity with your product. Promoting your product with influencers is an amazing way to widen the customer base organically. You may also get in touch with the agencies that connect the businesses and influencers, keeping in view your budget and client’s needs. You can run giveaways to attract more and more people to your website.
3. Maintain a blog.
A lot many commercial platforms spend resources on maintaining a blog post. Having a blog page linked to your website serve many purposes. An intriguing blog post can drive many potential engaged customers to your website. Secondly, by exchanging blog articles about various cannabis products like cannabis seeds with your contemporaries can get you to learn a lot about the industry. Backlinking your product in the articles across related posts can help build a wider audience base. Informative and entertaining posts that add value are shared and re-shared on various platforms. So, your blog posts can reach all the platforms where your ads cannot. Adding shareable infographics, gifs, and images to your post can make them most likable on Pinterest, which can source back a lot of traffic as well as sales to your website.
4. Go for Affiliate Marketing.
Affiliate marketing is one of the most sought after ways to get product sales, and it does not require you to spend any money unless you make a sale. With a decided percent share to each purchase, you can deploy marketing along with a dedicated team such as affiliate window, click bank and, Shareasale. Many branding partners and individual bloggers are willing to participate with the agreed commission, and business owners can make fair use of the opportunity.For eg Companies like High Supplies are a leader in the Cannabis industry in 2020 and offer higher payouts than others.
5. Go for Alternate Channel Advertising.
Searching platforms apart from the mainstream channels is not difficult nowadays. Sometimes the traffic generated from these sources have a better conversion ratio due to better engagement. Podcast ads, for example, do better with people taking action on ads. You can also go for the display ads on various target websites with high traffic and regular viewers. You can find display network platforms to strike great deals that provide good ad placement opportunities at nominal rates. You can field test and deploy some resources to see which ads work best for you.
The Bottom Line.
Cannabis is one of the fastest-growing industries with demands surpassing the supply. The decriminalization, legalization, and social acceptance of the use in many parts of the world are opening gates to the wide arena of the business world. Some of the marketing Gurus labeled Cannabis to be the recession-resistant product, which means the recession at the Global level might have little or no effect on the sale. The recent pandemic outbreak also suggested a positive trend in the online cannabis business. All business owners who maximize the opportunity by playing an aggressive marketing game are sure to reap the benefits soon.