21 July 2016
The Miami Herald reports…
The Florida Department of Health on Wednesday gave Trulieve, a North Florida grower and dispensary, permission to open in Tallahassee and start delivering cannabis statewide.
When Trulieve opens Tuesday, it will be the first time strains of the drug will be available under a 2014 law meant to give patients with cancer and seizures access to a strain of medical marijuana low in THC, the chemical that causes a euphoric high.
Five additional nurseries are growing and extracting oil from cannabis, according to DOH, and could soon join Trulieve in legally selling medical marijuana.
Other licensed growers are close to releasing their first products, as well. Alpha/Surterra, based in Tampa and Tallahassee, had its first harvest last week and plans to start selling later this summer.
State law allows dispensaries to sell cannabis oil to be injected, taken as a pill or consumed by methods other than smoking.
Full-strength medical marijuana will be available for terminally ill patients in early August. The Florida Legislature this spring passed a law allowing patients within a year of death to try the drug if two doctors believe it will help them.
Patients with a wider range of conditions could have access to full-strength marijuana if a constitutional amendment legalizing the drug for medical purposes passes in this November’s election.
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/health-care/article90896132.html#storylink=cpy