Latest Updates – Federal Senate Candidates / NSW Cannabis Enquiry / Qld Candidates

Here’s the September edition, brimming with news and updates from the Australian cannabis party


Legalise Cannabis Federal Senate Candidates

With over a hundred applications from members to run in the next Federal election and after dozens of interviews, Miles Hunt was selected to be the Lead Senate Candidate in New South Wales. He studied Law and Philosophy at Macquarie University. Law for a career and philosophy because he always enjoyed philosophical and ethical discussions. University was where he also started smoking weed.

He worked as a personal injury and workers compensation lawyer, branching off into employment, human rights and criminal law. He started working for people arrested and charged for possession of cannabis. He has always felt criminalisation of users was a great injustice – their lives often ruined over their simple substance choice.

The other Lead Senate Candidate, to run in Victoria, is well known campaigner Fiona Patten. First elected to the Victorian State Parliament on a Sex Party ticket in 2014, she was re-elected in 2018. Notably, the Australian Sex Party and the former HEMP Party got into ‘bed together’ for the 2016 Federal election!

A long time advocate for cannabis law reform, Fiona has been to almost every MardiGrass in the last twenty years. She was the driving force behind the Inquiry into the Use of Cannabis in Victoria and the first politician to admit using cannabis regularly to relax.

We’ll be announcing more senate candidates very soon, just in case Albo decides on an early election so he can get on with getting married!

Michael Balderstone
Legalise Cannabis Australia


Legalise Cannabis Parties – News


As noted above, senate candidates are still currently being vetted with a view to the Federal election which must be held before mid-May 2025. The Nominations Committee took great pleasure in announcing former MP and Reason Party leader, Fiona Patten for Victoria and Miles Hunt, the co-founder of well-known drug harm minimisation charity Unharm, for New South Wales.

“Cannabis reform has always been high on my to do list and is unfinished business for me. To open up law reform in the states we need to change the federal law, and I intend to do just that”. Fiona Patten

“Legalisation and regulation of cannabis is necessary for a fair and just society, and when I get to Canberra I will do my best to make sure we get this done”. Miles Hunt


New South Wales

The Week That Was: A Step Forward for Cannabis Law Reform

This past week marked a pivotal moment in our campaign to reform cannabis laws in New South Wales. Unions NSW made waves as they tabled their submission to the inquiry on cannabis legalisation—an event that not only underscored the growing momentum for change but highlighted the broadening coalition pushing for sensible drug policy reform.

The Unions’ backing of legal cannabis is a game-changer. Their submission powerfully articulated what we have been arguing for years: that prohibition is a policy failure, and legalisation presents an opportunity to boost the economy, create safe jobs, and protect public health. With the weight of Unions NSW behind this cause, we’re seeing support for reform extend well beyond traditional advocacy groups.

Throughout the week, Jeremy took the fight directly to the floor of Parliament, reminding our political counterparts that cannabis isn’t just a social issue—it’s a working people’s issue. Prohibition disproportionately impacts working-class Australians, with criminal records often tied to low-level cannabis offences that can ruin careers and opportunities for advancement. Unions NSW recognises this, and so do we.

On social media, we saw an outpouring of support for the submission, with hundreds sharing and commenting on the importance of responsible, regulated cannabis use. The call for field sobriety testing over outdated presence-based testing gained traction once again, reinforcing the need for smarter policing and justice systems.

This inquiry continues to build momentum, and the message is clear: New South Wales is ready for reform. The workers are on our side. The evidence is on our side. Now, it’s time for the Government to act. Let’s keep pushing forward. Stay connected, stay informed, and most importantly—stay vocal. Together, we can make cannabis legal, safe, and fair for all.

Free the Weed,

Jeremy Buckingham MLC
Member of the NSW Legislative Council
Legalise Cannabis New South Wales Party


NSW Drug Summit Forums

Griffith, Friday, 1 November

Lismore, Monday, 4 November

Sydney, Wednesday & Thursday, 4-5 December


Do I Seem Impaired To You?

At the end of August, chairing the Impact of the Regulatory Framework for Cannabis in NSW Inquiry, Jeremy Buckingham MLC evidenced to the current Premier the harsh reality that 300,000 medicinal cannabis patients are forced to face every day when they need to drive, querying Minns as to whether or not he, Jeremy, seemed impaired. The video, direct from the Portfolio Committee, is worth watching for the look on the Premier’s face, alone!

“If they want to use a car while accessing the health benefits of… medicinal cannabis, then they can’t do it”, NSW Premier Chris Minns.



With the Queensland State election looming (26 October) we spoke with the Party Secretary, Suzette Luyken (who also happens to be running as a candidate, in the electorate of Coomera, on the Gold Coast) about how the Party is preparing for the Election including where they hope to improve their percentages from 2020, when the Party had only been registered for a matter of a few weeks, stood candidates in 23 seats and averaged 3.7% of the vote. In 21 of those seats, the Party’s candidates polled higher than the (now deregistered) United Australia Party’s best result of 2.4%. The Party polled an outstanding 5.5% in both Bundaberg and Ipswich where they are looking to field candidates again, in 2024.


Current List of Endorsed Candidates

Click on the electorate name for a full candidate bio:

Buderim — Dr Shaun Sandow works in Biomedical Research and supports legalisation to make access easier for adults, for them to treat their health problems.

Bundaberg — Ian Zunker is Vice President of the LCQ Party and staunchly believes cannabis is the magic bullet for health and well-being that everyone is chasing.

Bundamba — Clive Brazier sees our current medical cannabis scheme as “a rip off and the reason so many patients turn to the black market to access it”.

Burleigh — Jason Gann, actor/entrepreneur, brings his expertise, drawing from his experiences in the US and Spain, where he gained insight into cannabis laws and regulations.

Coomera — Suzette Luyken, long-serving Party Secretary, has a focus on the unfair roadside testing and zero tolerance for THC, which can unjustly impact drivers.

Gaven — Jenelle Porter worked as a social worker and counsellor for over 30 years and aims to remove the cannabis stigma with clear, open information based on facts.

Glass House — Timothy Hallcroft believes the right for all responsible adults to grow cannabis privately and use socially should be readily accepted and legal.

Hervey Bay — Jeff Knipe survived two bouts of cancer in the last six years and found cannabis immediately produced a dramatic change in his sleep, pain and appetite.

Logan — Jacqueline Verne

Macalister — Meredith Brisk is campaigning for a healthier environment, economy and population for a sustainable and renewable future.

Mackay — Ben Gauci believes he has the skills, experience and insight from many years in varied workplaces and occupations to properly represent the people of his great state.

Morayfield — Frank Jordan says if you want the freedom to keep your driver’s licence when you use cannabis as a medicine, vote for Legalise Cannabis Queensland.

Mulgrave — Nicholas Daniels, a political cannabis activist for decades, knows the issues and knows people are fed up with the major parties doing nothing.

Murrumba — David Zaloudek turned to medical cannabis seeking pain relief and improved wellness and was delighted to find cannabis to be an effective, safe and natural remedy.

Nicklin — Melody Lindsay, current Party President, supports the right for adults to choose cannabis as a safer social alternative to alcohol and prescription drugs.

Ninderry — Tim Nixon advocates for sensible and practical drug laws based on relative harms to the user, rather than laws based on propaganda and discrimination.

Pumicestone — Rosemary Doolan believes government should enable farmers to transition to hemp crops to help reduce dependence on plastics and improve the environment.

Redlands — Suzanne Spierenburg is keen to be a representative role model for those using cannabis therapeutically and to help her community strive together for a better Queensland.

Warrego — Angela Adams hopes to change the law to help those in need attain a better quality of life rather than just being thrown in jail or having their kids taken away.

Volunteering in Queensland

You can have direct input into changing the law in ‘24 by volunteering for the Legalise Cannabis Queensland Party (even just an hour on polling day can really help) to assist our wonderful candidates, or if you don’t have the time, consider a donation, every little bit helps after all!

Volunteer here or Donate here


South Australia

With re-registration so close they can almost taste it, Legalise Cannabis South Australia needs just one more member (believe it or not), with details that match the Electoral Roll, to sign up and say they are proud to be a part of LCSA!

Join here

If South Australia wants Legalise Cannabis on the ballot paper, they have a short space of time in which to ensure this happens. Post the review of membership of the Party, LCSA will be actively seeking to further increase their membership in the southern state.

Legalise Cannabis Australia are confident that the ‘crow-eaters’ can and will attain re-registration, with a view to the 2026 South Australian State election – so Legalise Cannabis can be on the ballot!

With the recent Report from the Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis recommended that South Australia’s Minister for Infrastructure and Transport prepare draft amendments to the Road Traffic Act to state it will not be an offence to drive whilst THC is present in oral fluid or blood where:

  • a person has been prescribed a medical cannabis product containing THC;
  • is using the product in accordance with the prescription;
  • has a zero blood alcohol concentration; and
  • the driver is not impaired.

The full Interim Report of the Joint Committee on the Legalisation of Medicinal Cannabis can be accessed here.



Legalise Cannabis has brought the debate on personal possession back to the Victorian Parliament.

Last November Legalise Cannabis Victorian (LCV) introduced a personal use bill – a proposed law to allow adults to possess a modest amount of cannabis and to grow six cannabis plants. This forced the government to look seriously at decriminalising but we didn’t have the numbers in parliament to pass a law, so debate on the bill was adjourned.

Last month LCV convinced the government to revisit the proposal and the Allan Government has agreed to a ‘review’ of the bill. This means a committee of MPs from different parties (not dominated by Labor) will review the personal use bill in February and report back to parliament in March 2025. The Legislative Council Social Issues Committee will carry out the review, and both Victorian LC MPs David Ettershank and Rachel Payne will participate in the committee.

“Bill reviews have successfully influenced governments to act in the past” Ms Payne said. “We’re determined to show the Allan Labor Government that criminalising hurts good people. Instead, we need to follow grown-up places like the ACT, Germany and Canada – and legalise. We’ll fight hard to get them to listen”.

Mr Ettershank said it is the human suffering caused by our current drug laws that makes reform so urgent. “The most recent data from the Sentencing Advisory Council for 2022-23 shows 5,080 charges for possession alone. Of those charged 4,156 were sentenced and 10% served actual jail time” he said. “Every community legal centre in Victoria supports the decriminalisation of cannabis”.

Membership Review

In October, LCVIC needs to submit a list of as many members as possible to the Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) to prove it has the minimum number of members to remain a Victorian political party – this is essential to ensure that the Party name will be on the ballot at the next State election.

In the first instance the VEC will check that members on the list match the electoral roll and then cross-check that none are members of any other political party. The VEC will then contact a sample to ask members to confirm they are members of Legalise Cannabis Victoria.

All you need to do is watch out for an email or call from the VEC asking you to confirm you are a member of Legalise Cannabis Victoria.


As always thanks so much for your support.

Mira Fraser
Victoria State Party Manager
Legalise Cannabis Victoria

Let Patients Drive

The ‘Let Patients Drive’ campaign continues in earnest, following a motion in parliament calling on the Government to immediately establish a legal defence for medicinal cannabis prescription holders charged with presence offences for cannabis.

Western Australia

Dr Brian Walker MLC has been keeping busy fighting for cannabis and hemp reform in WA! He’s been pushing the Government to stop dragging its feet on cannabis-related laws, like protecting medicinal cannabis users from workplace discrimination and updating THC driving laws. He’s also called out the Government for its confusing stance on vaping, which research shows could actually lower cancer risks!

On the hemp front, Brian had a major win, getting the Government to agree to review the Industrial Hemp Act—a huge step forward for WA’s hemp industry and the environment. Beyond these efforts, he’s tackling other important issues, from addressing the implications of Artificial Intelligence and supporting LGBTQI+ rights, to demanding greater transparency within the Government and the courts.

Through all his endeavours, his mission remains clear: making the world a better place for his children and grandchildren.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteers are the backbone of every successful political party!

Cannabis law reform can only be achieved from inside parliament. To do that we need to get someone elected. To get elected, people need to know about us and our policy.

Make new friends and help make a difference!

Polling can be a lot of fun! We like to present as the ‘Happy Party’ as we educate and urge people to vote for cannabis law reform. Talking to someone face to face at a voting centre is a chance to shine and you’ll be able to say, “I was a part of the change”.

The Legalise Cannabis Parties are facing an election in Queensland in October, another in Western Australia in March 2025 and a federal election by May 2025 and are actively seeking volunteers to help on booths – pre-poll ‘Early Voting’ and at polling booths.

As a small, grass-roots Party, our profile is not as high as other larger parties, so it is imperative we have representation, to introduce the Party to the voters, especially at pre-poll centres so people know they have a positive alternative, a forward-thinking choice, that they are not stuck with just the duopoly!

We can only do it with help from people like you!

Volunteer here or Donate here


Around the World with Cannabis

Africa/Asia — Australasia/Oceania — Europe — The Americas

South Africa Issues 1,110 Hemp Licences: Is The Industry Leaving Small Farmers Behind?

Thailand’s New Cannabis Rules Bill: Stricter Rules, But Marijuana Remains Legal

Call for Reform to Roadside Drug-Testing Laws to Protect Medicinal Cannabis Users in SA

NZ: New Export Rules ‘Huge’ for Medical Cannabis Farm

New Study Backs Full Cannabis Legalisation in Czech Republic

Polish Ministry of Health Expresses Support for Cannabis Decriminalisation

France’s Medical Cannabis Launch Likely to be Delayed Until 2026

German Cops Behind Beer Ban Say England Euros Fans Should Smoke Cannabis Instead

Netherlands – A Look Inside a 150,000 Plant Legal Cannabis Greenhouse

Aurora Cannabis (Canada) Researching Auto-Flower Tech for Outdoor Cultivation

Will Brazil’s Latest Ruling on Cannabis Use Ease the Country’s Mass Incarceration Crisis?

A Decade Into US States Legalising, Underage Use Plummeted

US Study Finds “Significant” Health Improvements With Medical Cannabis

More Older Americans Using Cannabis


Contact Your Legalise Cannabis MPs

If you have an issue in your State, don’t hesitate to contact the office of your Legalise Cannabis parliamentarian (New South Wales, Victoria or Western Australian):


Hon. Jeremy Buckingham MLC

Legalise Cannabis New South Wales
NSW Parliament House
6 Macquarie Street
Sydney NSW 2000
(02) 9230 2652


Hon. David Ettershank MP

Member for Western Metropolitan Region
Legalise Cannabis Victoria
Suite 101, 19 Lacy Street
Braybrook VIC 3019
(03) 9317 5900


Hon. Rachel Payne MP

Member for South-Eastern Metropolitan Region
Legalise Cannabis Victoria
384a Nepean Highway
Chelsea Vic 3196

(03) 9651 8972

[email protected]


Hon. Dr Brian Walker MLC

Member for the East Metropolitan Region
Legalise Cannabis WA
2 Parliament Place
West Perth WA 6005

(08) 9226 3550

0416 882 279

[email protected]

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