Maine OCP September Updates: Issues First Health and Safety Recall (Adult Use) / Implementation of Recently Enacted Legislation (Medical & Adult Use) / Best Practice Guide for Sample Collection was recently updated.

News & Updates

Office of Cannabis Policy (OCP) Issues First Health and Safety Recall (Adult Use)
On September 10, 2024, OCP issued a health and safety recall for one strain of adult use cannabis flower and three strains of adult use pre-rolls. A new “Cannabis Recalls” landing page is now available on the OCP website which directs to more information about the products affected by this recall. Should there be any future recalls, details will be made available via that webpage.

Cannabis Hospitality Task Force Meetings Conclude (Adult Use)
Over the summer, OCP’s Cannabis Hospitality Task Force met four times to review how other states regulate cannabis hospitality establishments and to discuss ideas for regulating those establishments in Maine. Meeting materials, recordings, and other information can be found here.
Recent Guidance

Implementation of Recently Enacted Legislation (Medical & Adult Use)
Program participants and municipalities are encouraged to continue referencing OCP’s guidance regarding the implementation of recent legislative changes. Adult use licensees in particular are reminded that several provisions are not yet in effect as they are dependent on the Office’s major substantive rules being finally adopted and made effective later this year.

Pursuant to P.L. 2023, ch. 679, any adult use cannabis store licensee choosing to move purchaser ID checks from the entrance of the store to the point-of-sale is reminded to update the store’s facility plan of record prior to changing the layout of the licensed premises. It is also recommended to take all other precautions necessary to make change. Your insurance company may have more information and you may find age verification resources helpful.

Upcoming Events

Community Listening Sessions in Waldo & Knox County
OCP Director John Hudak and staff will be visiting Waldo and Knox counties this week as part of the Office’s statewide listening tour! Use the links below to register for one of these town hall-style events where you can ask questions, share feedback, and learn more about Maine’s regulated cannabis programs.

Lessons from Licensing

Program participants are reminded to submit the following business organization documents to OCP based on their organization type.

  • LLC: Submit the Limited Liability Company Agreement
  • Partnership: Submit the Partnership Agreement
  • Corporation: Submit the Stock Ledger and Operating Agreement

Compliance Corner

Adult use licensees are advised that OCP’s Best Practice Guide for Sample Collection was recently updated. This document offers further guidance on how to perform the sample collection procedures for batches of cannabis and cannabis products as outlined in Appendix A, Section 11 of the Adult Use Cannabis Program Rule.

Team OCP – Meet Heidi

Heidi Bunnell joined the OCP team in December 2019. As an Office Specialist II, she enjoys performing a variety of tasks and assisting her colleagues. She’s grateful for the diverse range of experience everyone brings to the team.

Prior to her time at OCP, Heidi worked as an administrative assistant for 24 years with experience in the healthcare, alcoholic beverage, and auto parts industries. She shared, “I was looking to further my administrative assistant career with something a little more challenging. I like being able to produce high quality results, working closely not only with staff but people in the industry.”

Outside of work Heidi likes to travel and spend time with family and friends. She also enjoys photography, scrapbooking, hunting, fishing, and being outdoors.

Municipal Reminders

OCP’s Municipal Reimbursement Program helps reimburse municipalities for qualifying expenses associated with opting to permit adult use cannabis establishments. This includes legal fees, staff time, and more!
Click to learn more about municipal reimbursement

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