NY: Chemung County intend to draft own rules & plans to close down unlicensed weed stores

Local press reports

A Chemung County legislative committee will vote on a new law aimed at shutting down unlicensed cannabis shops. If approved by the county “Multi-Services Committee” on Monday night, the law will go to a full vote by the County Legislature next month.

The “Chemung County Unlicensed Cannabis Regulation Law” says it “applies to any ‘person’ selling cannabis, cannabis products or any product marketed or labeled as such in a ‘place of business,’ without obtaining the appropriate registration, license or permit therefor, or engaging in an ‘indirect retail sale’ in a ‘place of business.”

“The governor, in her last budget, approved local municipalities to enforce illegal marijuana sales,” said Chemung County Executive Chris Moss. “Basically, they’ve been called sticker shops in the area. All throughout upstate New York, and I believe throughout the entire state, they’ve been a problem. So, this is going to allow us to the authority to padlock the businesses, fine the businesses, hold hearings and so forth,” Moss said.

“The county attorney drafted a local law. I believe it’s been reviewed by the legislative attorney as well. We hope it makes it through multi-services tonight and goes to the full legislature.”

The Chemung County Sheriff’s Office will be the lead agency in charge of closing down illegal cannabis storefronts. The Sheriff’s Office, along with the Chemung County Public health Director and the County Code Officer will have the authority to:

“Issue a notice of violation and order to cease unlicensed activity, seize any cannabis, cannabis product or any product marketed or labeled as such, issue an order to seal the building or premises engaged in unlicensed activity, and seek injunction relief against any person in conduct in violation of this section.”

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