On December 31, 2023, the Cannabis Control Commission (Commission)’s Bulletin | Reissued Order Allowing for Telehealth Consultations for Patients | February 10, 2023 (Order) expired. However, in anticipation of this expiration and the development of future regulatory amendments, on December 14, 2023, the Cannabis Control Commission (Commission) voted to extend all previously granted waivers in accordance with the Order.
As a result, the Commission has issued a new bulletin, “Medical use of Marijuana Program Telehealth Consultations,” which enables Certifying Healthcare Providers (Providers) with approved waivers to continue to conduct clinical visits for initial certifications through telehealth for all Patients. Providers without a previously approved waiver may apply for a waiver in accordance with 935 CMR 501.850.
More information about telehealth waivers is available by watching the Commission’s December 14 public meeting (starting at the 04:10:17 mark).
Patients, Caregivers, or Providers with questions may reach out to the Commission at 774-415-0200 or Commission@CCCMass.com. |