Article: I Took Mushrooms at a Death Grips Show. It Might Have Cured My ADHD.

Ok a little off track here – the thought of Mushrooms at a Death Grips show is somewhat terrifying to my older brain !!



I was at a Death Grips show at the Warfield in San Francisco when one of my oldest friends showed up wearing a massive cowboy hat and handed me four desiccated—but relatively large—psilocybin mushrooms. “These should do the trick,” he told me, palming them into my hand in one fluid motion.

A few weeks prior, we’d decided it was a good idea to do some shrooms at this show. If you’re not familiar, Death Grips is an experimental rap group out of Sacramento, consistently drawing praise and befuddlement from critics. (Pitchfork described them once as “politically agnostic and persistently agitated.”) Their music is akin to wearing a metal garbage can over your head while someone beats on it with a hammer and screams cryptic threats at you. The catalog is loud, intense, and chaotic. But also fun.

The smart move would have been consuming one cap and stem, observing how it felt, and then taking more if I felt like taking more. Haha… no. I popped all four caps and stems into my mouth and buckled up.

Read about the ride!

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