It’s time for the results of the annual wastewater report and surprise surprise South Australians love their meth & cannabis and even more so than the rest of the country.
The Port Lincoln Times reports
Regional South Australia has the highest per capita consumption of methylamphetamine, cannabis, fentanyl and other illicit substances than any other state or territory in Australia, according to new data from the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).
Wastewater analysis conducted in regional South Australia over the last six months showed methylamphetamine use in particular has spiked in regional areas.
“The results are clear, methylamphetamine has a very high consumption rate in regional areas in South Australia, as does cannabis,” said Shane Neilson, ACIC, Principal Advisor on Drugs.
Methylamphetamine has both direct and imported supply meaning the market is well supplied, but despite popular belief, the drug remains relatively expensive.
“Methylamphetamine is not as affordable as some people think, Australian drug users of all kinds pay some of the highest prices for their usage in the world,” Mr Neilson said.
“It does not matter if the methylamphetamine is ingested in powder form, smoked or injected, the base drug will still show in wastewater results,” Mr Neilson said.
ACIC data is not available for specific regional locations for privacy reasons to ensure public perception of certain areas is not biased.
“We can’t have specific areas being known as drug capitals in a particular state,” Mr Neilson said.
The data also showed that cannabis has a higher uptake in regional South Australia than in metropolitan areas, but cocaine and heroine use has remained comparatively low.
A drug raid conducted earlier this year, which resulted in the seizure of 416 kilograms of heroine, has likely impacted these statistics.
“That’s equivalent to two million street deals of heroine,” Mr Neilson said.
Wastewater analysis has been conducted by ACIC in partnership with universities around Australia since August 2016 and is a reliable measure that produces clear forensic information which South Australia Police, government agencies and Drug and Alcohol Networks can use to target investigations, services and approaches to deterring and reducing the harmful impact of illicit drug use in certain areas.