Section 4.1 is the relevant section… remember the word “interim” sits at the head of this document so decisions can be reversed
4.1 Interim decision in relation to cannabidiol (private application) and cannabidiol (delegate initiated) Pursuant to regulation 42ZCZN of the Regulations, a Delegate of the Secretary has, in relation to the proposed amendments to cannabadiol made the following interim decisions:
• in relation to the proposed amendment in the private scheduling application, made an interim decision not to amend the current Poisons Standard to exclude cannabadiol from scheduling and allow its general sale.
• in relation to the proposed delegate-initiated amendment, made an interim decision to amend the current Poisons Standard to down schedule cannabadiol to allow greater access through a new Schedule 3 entry in accordance with specified requirements and with additional supply requirements specified in Appendix M to allow it to be provided by a pharmacist. The proposed Poisons Standard entry in relation to cannabidiol is as follows:…….
Read the full text in the document….
Here’s the document in full
Hemp Industry Daily explores the ramifications of the interim decision