Title: Small California Pot Farmers Struggle to Survive, Worry that Central Coast Growers are Using Loophole to Skirt Size Restrictions.
Author: NBC Bay Area
Date: 26 June 2018
Northern California pot farmers spent decades turning the Emerald Triangle into the cannabis industry’s most rock-solid brand. But just six months into California’s legal weed foray, it’s clear that growers and governments along the state’s Central Coast are making an aggressive push to crown themselves a new pot powerhouse. According to data from the California Department of Food and Agriculture, many of those Central Coast cultivators are taking advantage of a regulatory loophole that small farmers – mostly in the Emerald Triangle – say could lead to a big business takeover of the industry.
Title: Napa County Supervisors poised to allow outdoor, personal use cannabis cultivation
Author: Napa Valley Register
Date: 26 June 2018
Proposition 64 passed by California voters in 2016 legalized recreational marijuana … The county law doesn’t precisely match the city of Napa law. … rules for outdoor cannabis cultivation in the unincorporated county and local cities.