Exploding marijuana-infused cider drinks recalled in Michigan

M. Live reports

Nearly 15,000 cans of marijuana-infused cider drinks have been recalled in Michigan amid reports they have a propensity to explode.

“A single batch of Armada Cannabis Co. Cannabis Apple Cider (20mg THC) is being recalled because the products were not compliantly produced and there have been reports of cans swelling and bursting,” a Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) recall notice said. “This is attributable to the lack of a necessary ingredient to ensure shelf stability.”

“We received two reports, both from retailers, zero from consumers,” said CRA spokesman David Harns.

The CRA said nearly 7,300 cans were sold to consumers between Oct. 11 and Nov. 1 at more than 75 stores across Michigan. The cans in question list a Jan. 2 expiration date. A full list of the stores and product ID numbers are listed in the CRA recall notice.

The drinks are manufactured by VBJG Mt. Clemens LLC, a company linked to Emerald Growth Partners, owner of Pleasantrees retail stores, based on CRA licensing reports.

MLive has requested and is awaiting comment from the manufacturer.

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