Ice and Jackpot, the Group’s two drug-detecting dogs, guided the financiers to the drugs, bypassing the precautions that the traffickers had taken to hide them.
The drugs arrived from Spain on board two trucks. Hidden among hundreds of crates of fruit and vegetables, the men of the financial police of the provincial command of Rome and the staff of the Customs and Monopolies Agency of Civitavecchia found 340 kilos of hashish and marijuana. Ice and Jackpot, the two anti-drug dogs of the Civitavecchia Group, guided the financiers to the drugs, bypassing the precautions that the traffickers had taken to hide them.
The two vehicles arrived in port on a ship that left Barcelona. The drivers, a Portuguese and an Italian, were both arrested on suspicion of international drug trafficking. A huge quantity of drugs which, once placed on the market, would have brought in three million euros, certainly much more than the rest of the load consisting of fruit and vegetables. All the goods were seized and, with the exception of the drugs, the rest of the load used for the cover, hundreds of crates of fresh fruit and vegetables, was donated to voluntary associations active in Civitavecchia to be given to people in need.