Oregon: Law Firm Garvey Schubert Barer To Host Cannabis Business Strategies Seminar In Portland.

2 May 2017

Here’s information on the seminar and how to get in touch.

Garvey Schubert Barer, ACT Resources, PLLC, and Mosaic Insurance Alliance are co-hosting a half-day cannabis business strategies seminar in Portland.

Growing Up Green: Learning How to Blossom in Oregon’s Budding Marketplace will provide information on what every cannabis license holder needs to know, including attracting investors, real estate, insurance, taxes and lessons learned from the Washington market.

Also, the OLCC’s Portland Metro Public Safety Manager will be on hand to discuss regulatory issues and answer your questions.


Producers, processors, retailers, and ancillary businesses.


If you have a question for the OLCC that you would like to have answered at the seminar, we will be accepting questions from attendees in advance. Please submit your questions to pmatulac@gsblaw.com and we will do our best to address them on the day of the event. All questions will be anonymized for confidentiality.


We will round off the day with a happy hour networking reception with some drinks and nosh.

Seminar agenda will be available soon.

For any questions, please contact Paul Matulac at pmatulac@gsblaw.com.

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