Oregon Psilocybin Services section New Daily Report on OPS Licenses and Worker Permits |
08/23/2024 |
The Oregon Psilocybin Services section is excited to announce that we have a new automated Daily Report on Licenses and Worker Permits. You can now visit the OPS Data Dashboard and access more information about license and worker permit applications by type and status. This automated Daily Report on Licenses and Worker Permits replaces the weekly report we have been publishing on the OPS website. The new daily report provides up-to-date information about our growing psilocybin services workforce in Oregon. We will continue to update the OPS Data Dashboard as new data becomes available. Thank you and Happy Friday! |
Data Set | Description of Data |
SB 303 Data – Coming in 2025 |
Senate Bill 303 (SB 303) was passed by Oregon Legislature in 2023 and requires psilocybin service centers to collect and report certain client and service center data related to psilocybin services beginning in 2025. In addition, SB 303 requires OPS to publish certain license and compliance data in 2025. OPS will address specific requirements related to SB 303 data collection and reporting in 2024 rulemaking and will be developing the TLC system for service center quarterly reporting before the end of the year. SB 303 data will be available after the first quarter of 2025. |
OPS Final Orders |
This data set includes all final orders issued by Oregon Psilocybin Services, including license denials and administrative violations. The data includes licensee or applicant name, final action date, and a copy of the final order. This information is updated as new license denials and final orders are issued. |
Daily Report on Licenses and Worker Permits |
This daily automated report provides total number of OPS license and worker permit applications by type and status. The report also shows total number of applications submitted, as well as the number of current OPS licensees and permitted workers. |