Title: Australia’s ‘cumbersome’ medicinal cannabis process ‘unworkable’
Author: Nine News
Date: 22 February 2018
An Australian GP has criticised access to medicinal cannabis in Australia as “unworkable”.
Caroline*, a doctor from Adelaide, said the oppressive bureaucracy surrounding medicinal cannabis sits in contrast to the way pharmaceutical opioids are dispensed to patients.
Medicinal cannabis was legalised in November 2016, but has been contacted by a number of people who claim to have been forced onto the black market because of the bureaucratic quagmire they encounter through official channels.
Caroline told at least one patient a week is visiting her GP practice and asking about medicinal cannabis, frequently in regards chronic pain.
She said it was “too hard” for doctors to navigate the Special Access Scheme (SAS) laid out by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA).
Title: Ontario opens door to suppliers of all sizes in what will be Canada’s biggest marijuana market
Author: The Business Financial Post
Date: 21 February 2018
Ontario’s provincially-run cannabis retailer is open to sourcing product from growers of all sizes across the country, according to a spokesperson for the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.
The approach appears to be in contrast to the one taking hold in provinces such as Quebec, where the government-run Société des alcools du Québec recently opted to sign sizeable recreational cannabis supply agreements with a select few large licensed producers.
Provincial Preview: Marijuana business opportunities abound in Nova Scotia
Title: Hong Kong drug firm’s shares rise after it brings in top Chinese hemp producer to explore medical uses of cannabis
Author: South China Morning Post
Date: 22 February 2018
Extract: Meilleure Health International Industry Group issues 312 million new shares to Hemp Investment Group for about HK$109 million
Title: Cannabis Production Takes Over Reykjavík
Author: Reykjavik Grapevine
Date: 21 February 2018
Thanks to a new reportage that explored the extent of the cannabis network in the capital area, RÚV reporters found out that cannabis growth and production carried out in the city has now almost completely overtaken foreign imports.
According to data provided by SÁÁ, the National Centre of Addiction Medicine in Iceland, about 700 people a year look to the Centre for assistance in dealing with cannabis addiction. 80% of them are under 20 years of age.
In the past few months, RÚV reporters have talked to various cannabis growers and visited grow rooms scattered around town. The common denominators are various: the men in question usually have both a job and a family and they often rent offices in work buildings to accommodate their workshops. These grow rooms are not so large that they attract attention, but large enough to employ more than one individual.
Title: Parliament to debate Newport MP Paul Flynn’s pro-medicinal cannabis bill
Author: South Wales Argus
Date: 21 February 2018
Extract: A BILL calling for cannabis to be legalised for medicinal use championed by a Newport MP will be debated in Parliament this week.
Newport West’s Paul Flynn has long backed the use of the drug for medical purposes, and last year presented a Private Member’s Bill calling for the law to be changed to make its use legal to treat conditions such as cancer and multiple sclerosis. MPs will debate the bill on Friday.