Great report in Canna Reporter EU about a raid on a Portuguese CBD / Hemp store where the only thing not confiscated was the fower product, labelled correctly in Portuguese, although nobody could actually discuss what the product was becuase that might engender confiscation !
Meanwhile all other products with CBD or trace elements of THC were confiscated because they weren’t labelled in Portuguese.
Confused yet?
If not you will be by the time you’ve read this!
The hemp confusion in Portugal: ASAE seizes CBD at Kings Yard, but leaves flowers because they are for “collection”
The Food and Economic Security Authority (ASAE) seized around 845 products in a shop of Kings Yard, which “presented in its composition an unauthorized substance – cannabidiol (CBD)”, according to a statement from Press Among the products seized are bottles of Gin, biscuits, lollipops, gum, chewing gum, tea and chocolate, with a total value of 1.960,00 euros. The hemp flowers, which were labeled as a ‘collectible’ product, were not seized, “as they were in compliance with the law: correct labeling, legal THC levels and symbolism (no smoking and no sale to minors). 18)”, explained ASAE. The controversy over the legality of CBD (cannabidiol) derived from hemp in Portugal continues, as there is no clear regulation for all these products.
According to the statement sent by ASAE, on July 8th, the authority carried out, “through the Fraudulent Practices Brigade of the Northern Regional Unit – Operational Unit I – Porto, and following a criminal prevention investigation, a inspection operation within the scope of combating food fraud, aimed at verifying the sale of new unauthorized foods, in a food trading establishment, located in the metropolitan area of Porto”.
The lack of information on packaging and labels seems to have been one of the reasons that led to their withdrawal, including “several types of ‘hemp flower’, the conditions of use of which were silent, as well as the purpose for which they were intended and the respective analytical compositions”. Among the 845 products seized are bottles of Gin, biscuits, lollipops, gum, chewing gum, teas and chocolates which, according to the authority, “presented in their composition an unauthorized substance – cannabidiol (CBD)”.
Regarding the flowers, which were properly labeled, “they asked countless times what they were for: they know and we can’t tell, it’s a game of seeing who is more stupid and it’s very revolting to have to go through this”
The value of the seized products totals around 1960,00 euros and the store owner now finds himself dealing with a criminal proceedings “for counterfeit abnormal food and for the addition of an unauthorized substance”, says ASAE.
Get motre confused here