Texas Judge Dismisses Church of Sacred Synthesis’s Defamation Case


The Church of Sacred Synthesis, formerly known as the Church of Psilomethoxin, plans to appeal the court’s decision. 

Texas judge has dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by a psychedelic church against various organizations that claimed its self-made, mind-altering sacrament was fraudulent, citing anti-SLAPP laws meant to protect free speech and prevent meritless lawsuits intended to suppress public commentary.

“Here’s the gist of the case,” Matt Zorn, the defendants’ attorney, told a Texas district court during a hearing held over Zoom back in May when the case began. “The plaintiff, the Church of Sacred Synthesis, says it has a sacrament that has a molecule in it called psilomethoxin, that it distributes to its members and that its members use religiously. The church not only makes this substance … but it also offers the sacrament for sale on its website.”

Read the report in full at 

Texas Judge Dismisses Church of Sacred Synthesis’s Defamation Case 

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