Update: Send Public Comment or Participate in the Cannabis Control Commission’s Hybrid Hearing on Amendments to Microbusiness, Delivery, and Telehealth Regulations

Email Feedback or Sign-up to Participate in the Hearing October 7

As a reminder, the Massachusetts Cannabis Control Commission (Commission) is soliciting feedback from stakeholders on the agency’s proposed regulatory changes to Microbusinesses, Delivery license types, telehealth options for patients, and prescribing allowances for providers.

Written submissions may continue to be emailed to [email protected] with “Regulation Comment” in the subject line of the email no later than 5:00 p.m. EST on Monday, October 7. All submissions should include the submitters’ full name, and organization or affiliation, if any.

Constituents may also choose to provide oral testimony at a public hearing scheduled at 10 a.m. on Monday, October 7 at the Commission’s headquarters at Union Station, 2 Washington Square in Worcester. It will be held in a hybrid format.

Those who wish to speak should use this sign-up form to confirm their participation and the preferred hybrid format by 5 p.m. on Friday, October 4. More information about logistics for the hearing are included in the sign-up form. Virtual attendees may view the hearing using Microsoft Teams Live.

The draft regulatory changes, which were unanimously approved by the Commission at the July 19 Public Meeting and filed with the Secretary of State’s Regulations Division, include the highly anticipated change to allow delivery licensees the option of delivering marijuana and marijuana products to consumers with one Marijuana Establishment Registered Agent in a vehicle at a time. They also include a proposal to allow Microbusinesses to apply for other license types, such as Retail and Transport licenses; permitting Qualifying Medical Patients to opt-in to utilizing telehealth consultation with a Certifying Healthcare Provider for their initial certification; and giving Nurse Practitioners with independent practices authority to certify Qualifying Patients without a supervising Physician.

All comments received by the October 7 deadline will be reviewed by the Commission and may be incorporated into the final version of regulations that will be considered at a forthcoming public meeting. Please be advised that the Commission may publish submissions it receives or produce them in response to a request made under the Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L. c. 66, § 10, or any other compulsory legal processes.

In advance of the public hearing, text of the proposed regulations may be viewed by visiting the “Regulations” section of the Commission’s public documents page at MassCannabisControl.com, requested by emailing [email protected], or by calling the Commission at (774) 415-0200.

Review the Draft Regulations
Email Written Comments
Sign-up to Speak October 7
View the October 7 Hearing

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