Title: More Banks Working With Marijuana Businesses, Despite Federal Moves
Author: Marijuana Moment
Date: 14 June 2018
The number of banks that are willing to work with marijuana businesses is steadily climbing, even after the Department of Justice revoked protections for state cannabis laws, new federal data shows.
By the end of March, 411 banks and credit unions in the U.S. were “actively” operating accounts for marijuana businesses, according to a report from the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). That’s up more than 20% from when President Trump took office early last year.
The Marijuana Enforcement Division (Division) is facilitating stakeholder work groups to discuss, deliberate, and provide suggestions on draft rules for the State Licensing Authority’s summer 2018 rulemaking session. For specific information regarding the subject matter of each work group as well as how to participate on the work groups, please visit our MED 2018 Rulemaking webpage ( Please share this email with any other individuals that may be interested in submitting a request to participate in one of the work group meetings. Regards, Jim Burack, Director, Marijuana Enforcement Division |