PsyCan — the not-for-profit trade association of legally-operating Canadian psychedelic companies — is pleased to share its 2023 White Paper on the future of psychedelic access in Canada: Beyond the Special Access Program — Regulatory Analysis and Recommendations on Psychedelic Access in Canada.
Click here to access the White Paper.
The White Paper examines regulatory reforms governing access to psychedelics. It includes a review of current Canadian regulations and an environmental scan of relevant regulatory proposals, acts, and academic publications from comparable jurisdictions.
Written by a committee of PsyCan members, regulatory experts, and academics, the 2023 White Paper recommends a number of measures to reduce barriers for patients to access psychedelic-assisted therapies, including:
- Immediate improvements to service standards for the Special Access Program to maximize transparency and predictability and lessen the overall burden and response time for applicants.
- Development of a medical psychedelic access program outside of the SAP, with the goal of taking patients off the front lines of the drug war as soon as possible.
- Establishment of a Federal Task Force on Psychedelic Access modelled on the Federal Task Force on Cannabis Legalization. The mandate of this consultative body would be to coordinate large, regional, and multistakeholder meetings to consider alternative access models to psychedelics for both medical and non-medical purposes.
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