The Marijuana Enforcement Division is issuing an Industry Bulletin re: Reduced Testing Allowance Attestation & Certification Fee providing guidance to licensees seeking to continue utilizing Reduced Testing Allowance (RTA) privileges after January 8, 2024.
Effective January 8, 2024, Licensees interested in reduced testing privileges must submit (a) an attestation form regarding their understanding of the testing rules and requirements; and (b) payment of the Reduced Testing Allowance Certification fee in Rule 2-205 of $4,000.00, which is per license and due at the time of attestation. The bulletin includes additional information about when and how to submit the attestation form and fee.
Please note: This bulletin does not include all rule changes, but you can find the complete Final Adopted Rules on the MED Rulemaking webpage and refer to Industry Bulletin 23-09 regarding the implementation of new rules.
Please find this and all other Industry Bulletins on the MED’s Industry Bulletin webpage.
The Marijuana Enforcement Division