Here’s their introduction
Several focused on a statement Garland reportedly made in 2012, when he suggested that federal judges should rely on the opinions of scientists when evaluating scientific matters. That attitude could extend to cannabis, several executives said.
“While we can’t say for certain how he will be on the Bench if his nomination is accepted, Garland appears to be a safe choice from the cannabis industry perspective,” said Green Lion Partners President Jeffrey Zucker in a statement. “Although he hasn’t been a champion of the issue, it’s good to know that he has an open mind to listen to the scientists that actually understand how the plant’s chemical compounds interact with the human body.”
Derek Peterson, the CEO of Terra Tech, agreed.
Full article
Judge Merrick Garland
Where does SCOTUS nominee Merrick Garland stand on marijuana policy?
Here’s what we know:
In 2012-2013, Garland was one of three judges who presided over a case brought forward by the medical marijuana advocacy group Americans For Safe Access, which sought to reschedule marijuana under the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Controlled Substances Act.
Full article at link above