Colorado: City Council Test Vote For Cap On Cannabis Retail Fails To Get Majority

19 April 2016

The newspaper goes on to report…Sponsor Robin Kniech said after the meeting that she planned to refile her bill directly on the floor next Monday. She said it would include two smaller amendments that were adopted by the council before the proposal failed.

The ill-fated vote ended an unusual night that saw five hours of amendment debates, dueling public testimony and Kniech’s final plea to approve the proposal.

“A no vote on this bill does not get you a more stringent bill,” she told her colleagues, asking them to recognize compromises that had been incorporated into it.

Instead, the council faces the self-imposed May 1 expiration of a temporary moratorium that has barred new entrants to the medical and recreational markets. The two-year-old moratorium was expanded and extended late last year, and the council has met in a special issue committee for three months to work out permanent rules that most members agree should place limits on industry growth.

Read the full story at

Also read this report in the Cannabist for more information about the re-presentation of the bill and the desire in some quarters to cap Cannabis retail outlets in the city

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