‘Chief Ganja Officer’ of Kaya Farms, Balram Vaswani, opening the first medical marijuana dispensary in Jamaica said that this was a dream he has had since 1999. .
The St Ann-based facility also hosts sister companies Kaya Café, Kaya Herbhouse & Kaya Spa.
Here’s the Gleaner report and we have to add as an aside that they certainly are more inventive with their strain names than the North Americans. “Sting-a-Ling” sounds far more interesting than Girl Scout Cookies!
And, of course, there’s marijuana galore – Grape Escape, Love Triangle, 9lb Hammer, Golden Back, Sting-a-ling, and Flo, just to name a few of the varieties of herbs you can get.
In order to purchase Cannabis from the herb house, you must present a doctor’s recommendation. A doctor will be present at Kaya Herbhouse daily. If you feel like having a smoke after you have made your purchase, a smoking room is readily available.
There are other ways to experience the plant in various forms, all housed in the spa. Kaya spa has a variety of hemp-based products that you can try – lotions, facial scrubs, therapeutic pain relievers by Nature’s Roots, as well as spa treatments.
After a brief tour of the herb house, it was time to head up to the farm, where the real magic happens – where the Cannabis is grown and nurtured to be ready for sale.
Rolling into the farm, you are immediately hit by the sweet aroma of Cannabis. The tour takes you to the nursery, where the seeds are placed into root growers to get their roots before they are transferred to pots. Then, to the big house, the greenhouse, and the harvesting room, where the marijuana is hung to dry and cut for packaging.
With the tour over, there was no better way to get refreshed than at the café. Kaya Café wa s declared open after the ceremonial sipping of the first cup of coffee by Rohan Marley and Balram Vaswani. If you are not into coffee or pastry, you can get some pizza by the pizzeria, rum by the bar, or natural juices by the juice booth.
Also in the Jamaica Observer http://www.jamaicaobserver.com/news/kaya-farms-to-open-jamaica-8217-s-first-legal-medical-cannabis-facility-today_127377?profile=1373
And in Loop Jamaica http://www.loopjamaica.com/content/jamaicas-medical-ganja-industry-takes-historic-step-kaya
Kaya Farms https://www.growkaya.com