If you have coughed up the cash to invest and buy yourself a Mighty Plus dry herb vaporizer, then you will also want to know the best methods to keep your high end device well maintained, ensuring that it continues to produce thick, tasty, clouds of vapor time after time. There are 2 proven methods to keep your device well maintained, and this article will explain them both in detail.
Firstly, the most important part of your prized possession, the Mighty Plus portable dry herb vaporizer, is the cooling unit, or the lid with the mouthpiece, through which the user inhales. The cooling unit has been carefully designed by engineers in Germany to elongate the vapor path so that the vapor is cooled to a pleasant temperature before it is inhaled. However, the vapor that is inhaled is actually a very thick sticky resinous oil, which has been converted into vapor through heat. Now when this vapor cools down, and passes through the walls of the Mighty Plus cooling unit, some of it solidifies, and sticks to the walls, and over time, more and more of this oil sticks to the walls to the point where airflow becomes restricted. Now this is the point where you must take it apart and clean off the oil, to allow it to work properly again.
Firstly, the most important part of your prized possession, the Mighty Plus portable dry herb vaporizer, is the cooling unit, or the lid with the mouthpiece, through which the user inhales. The cooling unit has been carefully designed by engineers in Germany to elongate the vapor path so that the vapor is cooled to a pleasant temperature before it is inhaled. However, the vapor that is inhaled is actually a very thick sticky resinous oil, which has been converted into vapor through heat. Now when this vapor cools down, and passes through the walls of the Mighty Plus cooling unit, some of it solidifies, and sticks to the walls, and over time, more and more of this oil sticks to the walls to the point where airflow becomes restricted. Now this is the point where you must take it apart and clean off the oil, to allow it to work properly again.
This next method achieves similar results to the first method, however, no Isopropyl alcohol is used. If you do not like playing with solvents, or you cannot wait the hour for your cooling unit to soak before you have another bowl, then this second method of maintaining a clean cooling unit
might be the right choice for you. This method simply requires some cotton tips that you would use to clean your ears.
Firstly, have a session on your mighty device. But when you have finished your session this time, do not turn off your Mighty Plus vape. Leave it on for another 10 mins, ensuring that the cooling unit and the oils inside the cooling unit are getting as hot as possible. So after your mighty has been running for around 15 mins, simply unlock the locking cap on the top of the cooling unit (whilst it is still firmly attached to the Mighty), and once the cap is unlocked, lift the
whole top of the cooling unit off, which will separate it from the bottom section of the cooling unit, which will stay attached to the Vaporizer. Now that you have the top compartment off, the oils will be runny enough because of the heat to scrape off very easily with a cotton tip. You can very easily use the cotton tip to get into all the nooks and crannys of the cooling unit, and very quickly clean the unit so it is ready for more use. You may need to use more than one cotton tip to get all the oils out of the cooling unit, but the more you get out, the better it will work.
This method is extremely fast, and recommended to be completed after every 5 bowls, for optimal performance. No matter which method you choose, whether you use Isopropyl alcohol or not, the cleaner that the Cooling unit stays, the more efficient your Mighty or Mighty Plus dry herb vaporizer will work
If you cannot be bothered cleaning at all, Sydney Vaporizers stocks brand new, completely assembled cooling units, both individually and in packs of 3 units. Sydney Vaporizers also stocks every possible Storz and Bickel spare part for your Mighty or Mighty Plus