The Times, They Are, A Changin’

The report goes on to say..

His mother Hannah Deacon said: “Today, for the first time ever in this country we have brought back THC oil through the airport legally, which is amazing.”

She was allowed through London City Airport with the oil from Amsterdam.

Last month Home Secretary Sajid Javid said the government would issue Ms Deacon a licence for the banned substance in a move expected to pave the way for reforms on its medicinal use.

She had urged the home secretary to intervene in her son’s case after Billy Caldwell, 12, was granted a limited licence for the drug to be administered to him in hospital.

Ms Deacon, of Kenilworth, said at the airport: “It (the medication) is very, very important for him to have a normal happy life so it’s a momentous occasion for us, his whole family and for him most importantly.”



Ms Deacon on the BBC earlier this year.


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