USA: MJ Biz Quick Survey Shows Elements Of Uncertainty In The Cannabis Industry Over Trump Presidency

12 December 2016

This can’t really come as a surprise to many

Here’s the introduction to their piece….

The survey results underscore the general sense of uneasiness in the wake of the presidential election felt by many of those who run companies in an industry that is still illegal in the eyes of the federal government.

Still, a fair share of executives – roughly a third of those who responded to the survey – are somewhat or very optimistic, believing the climate could get better for their businesses under Trump … or at least stay the same.

The anonymous online survey, conducted Dec. 6-7, includes responses from 223 self-identified marijuana industry executives and senior managers.

Trump’s victory in the presidential race and his subsequent selection of several anti-marijuana politicians to his cabinet has created a hefty dose of uncertainty in the industry.

The president-elect has not put forth an official policy position on marijuana.

Here’s a chart they have produced

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