Minnesota tribe opens cannabis dispensary near Treasure Island Casino

Prairie Island Indian Community’s Island Peži in Red Wing is the closest tribally owned retail marijuana store to the Twin Cities so far.

Minnesotans who have waited patiently for the opportunity to legally buy cannabis near the metro area received a new option Monday when Island Peži, the Prairie Island Indian Community’s new adult-use retail marijuana dispensary, officially opened its doors to customers. Located across the parking lot from Treasure Island Resort & Casino on the outskirts of Red Wing, Island Peži (pronounced pay-ZHEE, the Dakota word for grass) the store is about 40 miles from the Twin Cities. The tribe plans to mark the store’s grand opening Saturday with a daylong celebration featuring vendors, food trucks and live music.

“We’re very excited about this opening and I think it’s a great opportunity for us to showcase the hard work and the dedication to running a safe and regulated [business],” Blake Johnson, a tribal member and president of Prairie Island Cannabis Holdings Inc., Island Peži’s tribally owned parent company, said in an interview last week.

The dispensary offers a range of cannabis products, including flower supplied by White Earth Nation’s tribally owned Waabigwan Mashkiki cultivation facility, as well as an assortment of hemp-derived gummies, beverages, topicals and oils from Minnesota businesses.

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