What is an online casino cashback bonus? 

A cashback bonus is a bonus intended to compensate for part of the money wagered and lost in a casino game. Thus, it is expressed as a percentage whose value obviously varies from one platform to another. Literally, its name means “money back”, which implies the notion of “reimbursement”. Although its appearance is recent, this bonus is now on the rise. It is clear that a large number of online casinos are adopting it, in order to attract more punters. 

We also note that this system generally applies to table games, different slots like froutakia or live casino games. Therefore, cashback is very different from classic deposit bonuses. In principle, the bonus money is directly credited to the casino account without making an additional deposit. Please note, the bonus is offered at a specific frequency. 

How does online casino cashback work?

Generally speaking, casinos offer reimbursement based on losses. Thus, cashback is not awarded in the event of winnings. More concretely, if a player benefits from a 50% cashback and has lost €100. He therefore recovers €50 and has obtained new chances to play. And yes, it is impossible to withdraw the bonus money. However, you can receive the winnings by respecting certain conditions.It also happens that this type of online casino bonus is granted based on the deposits made. In this case, whether the player wins or loses, he is guaranteed to collect a bonus. The platform therefore focuses more on loyalty. Of course, online casinos offering cashback on deposits are rare, but they do exist.

Is the cashback bonus reserved for VIP players? 

It all depends on the platform. Some online casinos offer cashback to all its members, without exception. Others, however, reserve this bonus only for VIP members. Obviously, the preference will be for sites that put players on an equal footing. Cashbacks offered in the form of VIP bonuses are subject to a few criteria. In fact, you will have to upgrade to the higher VIP level to receive a larger refund. In other words, the higher the status, the bigger the bonus.

Online gambling sites generally advertise VIP levels ranging from 1 to 5, but sometimes more. Often, those who have reached the ultimate status among the different tiers benefit from a cashback of 50% and even 100%. Remember that for new VIPs, only the activity observed after joining the club will be considered when calculating the bonus. It is the rarity of this bonus that gives it its value. As with any casino bonus offer, cashback is subject to requirements. Hence the importance of carefully checking the conditions before setting out.

Conditions for a casino cashback bonus

As we explained previously, a player gets a refund only if he meets certain conditions. Other requirements are inherent to the very use of this cashback.

  • The percentage of cashback allocated depends on several factors, but recovery is never complete. Obviously, only real money games are taken into account.
  • The bonus is calculated based on the value of losses suffered by the player over a certain period. The casino averages it and offers the cashback based on the activity in question. In addition, sometimes the site only validates the bonus if the losses are higher than the winnings.
  • On some platforms, the percentage is assigned based on the amount of deposits made.
  • Cashback is often only valid on certain games library titles. Consulting the list of eligible games is therefore essential.
  • Most of the time, the bonus is limited in time. It should therefore be used as soon as possible, and as long as it is valid.
  • Another point to check: the maximum betting limit. Added to this is the wager and the withdrawal limit for winnings from the bonus. It’s up to you to see if the conditions are reasonable.

Advantages and disadvantages of online casino cashback

However, cashback is not all good. And like any other bonus offered by a casino, this bonus should be considered sparingly because of:


  • Extended playing time: Refunding a percentage of the money means getting more time to play your favorite titles, without another deposit necessary.
  • Lower requirements: compared to other types of bonuses, cashback is not particularly restricted by online casino conditions. However, you must always remain vigilant in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.
  • Withdrawal possible: on certain platforms, the winnings generated can be disbursed.


  • Casino conditions : all bonuses are subject to conditions and cashback is no exception. They may be more or less restrictive depending on the online casino. This may include the amount valid for disbursement, deadlines, etc.
  • Wagering requirement : which is worth highlighting, as cashback is not exempt.
  • Eligibility : highly appreciated, because advantageous, this cashback bonus may not be available to everyone. In many casinos, this is a privilege granted to VIPs. At best, it is offered at ridiculous rates.


Use this knowledge and choose the casinos that offer this advantageous offer, because even losses will not be a disappointment for you.

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