This Earth Day (April 22, 2021) the Cannabis Certification Council is tackling a variety of topics that focus on how the cannabis industry can better support our planet through the Cannabis Sustainability Symposium Series. This month’s theme is Carbon and Cannabis and will feature multiple panels with industry experts discussing the impact the growing industry has on the environment and the resources of Mother Earth.
Topics will include climate change, agriculture (specifically the effects on farming as a depletive tool or a transformative one), strategies for indoor and outdoor cultivators and more thoughtful deep dives on best practices.
The Symposium is taking place on Earth Day in order to highlight and emphasize what we can all do to reduce our carbon footprint, make better usage of our resources and in general have a more sustainable cannabis industry.
Stay tuned as we roll out more information on our featured speakers and panelists and register for free using the link below.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Carbon and Agriculture: Will farming save the planet or destroy it?
Tom NewmarkCarbon Underground, Founder & Chair
Calla Rose OstranderPhoenix Rising Resources, LLC, Strategic Advisor and Climate Change Communicator
Zach CarsonImaginal, CEO
Regenerative Cannabis: Strategies for Indoor and Outdoor Cultivators to Sequester Carbon
Cassandra MaffeyFire Tower, Co-Founder, CEO
Daniel SteinBriceland Forest Farm, Farmer
Kaitlin UrsoColorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Environmental Protection Specialist
Sunny KaercherCeres Greenhouse Solutions, LLC, Commercial Sales & Design
We apply our entirely subjective bong score to each event
1 Don’t Bother Unless You Need A Well Deserved Sleep
2 You Might Learn Something But We Hope You Didn’t Pay For It
3 This is really something, interesting presenters, well worth the money, and i actually will learn something.