5 Telltale Signs Of Cannabis Deficiencies

Cannabis cultivation may be both a blessing and a curse. Although growing this plant might be difficult at times, it can also be quite rewarding in the long run. Many of the frequent weaknesses in cannabis plants may make marijuana cultivation one of the most frustrating experiences. It doesn’t matter how much experience cultivators have or how many plentiful harvests they’ve had, and they’ll all admit that they still run into issues now and again. As a result, when anything goes wrong in cultivating a cannabis plant farm, it may be devastating, regardless of the scale of the enterprise.

Lack of cannabis nutrients is a prevalent issue. Knowing how to identify and treat marijuana plant weaknesses is essential for a successful harvest. The longer you farm, the more likely you have vitamin shortages. However, the difference between saving your crop and having no harvest at all might be as simple as educating yourself on common forms of cannabis deficiencies and being ready ahead of time.

The Most Common Deficiencies In Cannabis And Their Telltale Signs

Rotting of Root

Sick decaying roots are the hallmark of this condition, known as root rot. Drainage problems or overwatering are the most common causes of this. The stagnant water collects around the roots and serves as a breeding ground for germs or fungus. Heat, light leakage, low oxygen levels in the water, or decaying debris in the reservoir are the most common causes of root rot in hydroponic systems. However, root-rotting bacteria and fungus (such as Fusarium) may enter your reservoir due to any of these factors.

Brown and slimy, rotting roots have an unpleasant odor. In the absence of root rot, plants will droop and wilt, becoming yellow or white. In addition, a plant’s roots can get infected, creating nutritional deficits. Beneficial bacteria administered to the plant’s roots may help fight off infections and cure root rot. Plants grown in soil should be transplanted into fresh soil and new containers, with enough drainage holes in the ground and the pots. Ensure to thoroughly clean and disinfect your hydroponic system, establish a fresh reservoir with enough oxygen, and fix light leaks or heat problems.


Sunlight burn

Inexperienced growers struggling with space constraints may face light burn in their plants. Cannabis plants might suffer from bleached buds and yellow foliage if they are too exposed to sunlight.

In most cases, however, the solution to the problem of light burn is as easy as moving the lights farther away from your plants. Therefore, we propose utilizing LST to help your plants grow broad and low instead of narrow as a last resort.

Indoor seedlings should be progressively exposed to the daylight to prevent complications if grown this way.


Indications of overwatering in cannabis plant

Underwatering and overwatering cannabis cause stress and restricted development in the plant’s biological processes. In addition, when soil is too wet or dry, it might attract fungus gnats, spider mites, and other pests.

When plants are overwatered or underwatered, their leaves begin to droop. Over time, the plants will start to wilt and die. Soil is an excellent indicator of how much or how little water is needed; if it’s bone dry, you’re underwatering, and if it’s moist and muddy, you’re probably overwatering.

Remember to only water your plants when the soil is dry to prevent overwatering or underwatering. Make sure you use containers with enough drainage holes to keep your plants healthy. Your soil will dry quicker if you defoliate or lollipop your plants.


Boron Deficiency

Plants under water or in very dry conditions are more likely to suffer from a boron deficit than well-watered plants. Symptoms such as irregular or thick growth tips and brown or yellow staining on new leaves indicate a lack of cannabis boron.

A boron shortage causes aberrant and delayed development in the top cannabis leaves. Wrinkled or curled new leaves are possible. Inappropriate growth, twisted growth, and even death may occur at the terminals of plants. A boron deficit may harm the roots of plants, causing them to develop unhealthily or slowly. Rough or hollow stems are possible outcomes. In addition, when a plant is submerged or exposed to very low humidity, it is more prone to suffer from boron deficiency.


3.   Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is an essential vitamin for cannabis plants since it helps maintain their structure and endure heat-induced environmental stressors. You’ll see brown or bronze streaks or blotches on your leaves if your cannabis plant has a calcium shortage. Under LED lights, the splotches may seem purple. Also, yellowing (though leaves do not always become yellow) is often connected with this condition. One of the most prevalent causes of calcium shortage in plants is a low pH at the roots, which may occur when plants are grown in coco or with soft or filtered water.

It might be difficult to detect a cannabis calcium shortage since calcium deficiencies are commonly accompanied by magnesium, iron, and other cannabis deficiencies. Calcium deficiency may manifest itself in various ways, depending on the strain.



Calcium deficiency may first look purple under LED grow lights. However, if the hairs are still white, it’s too early for leaves to turn yellow or brown (leaves that lose their green color too early can’t photosynthesize as effectively, which might diminish yields) to become yellow or brown. So if you see anything like this, it’s usually because the pH is too low.

In Short

A cannabis plant has gained popularity as a new, highly demanded crop for cultivators, but it is hard to cultivate them to the top of their potential. It may face many deficiencies and infections during phases like an initial, flowering, and so on. Thus, one needs to have proper knowledge of the most common weaknesses one can see in the cannabis plant. Above are the top 5 telltale deficiencies in the cannabis plant that will help you take better care of them.


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