UK: South Tyneside drug dealing couple who had almost two kilos of cannabis at home walk free

Graeme Charlton, of Jarrow and Sarah Bowman, of South Shields, were caught when police stopped their car near the Tyne Tunnel and could smell cannabis

A drug dealing couple caught with almost two kilos of cannabis have walked free from court.

Graeme Charlton and Sarah Bowman were caught after police stopped their car near the Tyne Tunnel and noticed a strong smell of cannabis.

A search of the car revealed five packages of the drug under Bowman’s passenger seat and Charlton had £3,443 in cash.

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At their home, almost two kilos of cannabis were found, along with £3,965 cash, a debtors list and scales.

Both pleaded guilty to possession with intent to supply cannabis but have now been given suspended prison sentences at Newcastle Crown Court.

Prosecutor Kevin Wardlaw said it was at 1.25pm on June 6 2019 that police stopped a Renault being driven away from the Tyne Tunnel by Charlton.

Mr Wardlaw said the amount of drugs recovered indicated “mid-level drugs supply”.

The total value of the seized drugs was up to £9,700.

When interviewed, Charlton, 31, of Elm Street, Jarrow, said he was a heavy user and had bought it in bulk.

Bowman, 27, of Mariners Cottages, South Shields, said they were just on their way to the shops and denied knowledge of the cannabis in the car.

But they both went on to plead guilty and have each been sentenced to six months suspended for two years. Charlton was given a rehabilitation requirement and Bowman was put on a two month curfew.

They both face proceedings under the Proceeds of Crime Act to try to claw back their ill-gotten gains.


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