UK: £750,000 cannabis farm found due to dangerous wiring

CANNABIS with a value of more than £750,000 was found during a police raid on a home.

On Wednesday evening, officers in Burnley discovered the large-scale farm inside an address on Albert Street in the town.

In total, more than 1000 plants were discovered, which are estimated to have a value of more than £750,000.

A police spokesman described how they were alerted to the premises after dangerous wiring was seen in the street – which they say could have led to a dangerous fire.

They went on to warn people about the potentially ‘fatal’ repercussions of cannabis farms.

A statement read: “While cannabis is seen as just a harmless plant to some, the production and maintenance of the growth is often managed by extremely vulnerable people – people trafficked into the UK by smugglers escaping violence or looking for a better life for their family; or vulnerable adults such as the drug dependent, recruited to maintain these plants in exchange for cash or drugs – something that sadly makes them more dependent on these criminals.

“Young people and children escaping violence or after a sense of belonging to a group are often caught up in using, and dealing cannabis – something which can escalate to other crime, such as ASB, vehicle crime, and carrying weapons such as knives – with the potential to seriously harm or kill someone.

“Sometimes, vulnerable adults are targeted in something known as cuckooing – where an individual or group takes over someone’s property and either uses, or deals drugs from their home – threatening them with violence if they try and stop it from happening.

The statement went on to describe the dangers of children becoming involved, stating they can get involved with gangs as ‘runners’ in return for pocket money.

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