UK: Police raid: Cannabis grow found in Worcester’s Canterbury Road – Found A Dangerous Hole In The Floor!

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  • •Police with battering ram raid break down door of Worcester home
  • •Officers find large cannabis grow inside a house in Canterbury Road, Ronkswood
  • •One man has been arrested



Drugs raid in Canterbury Road, Worcester
Police break down door in Canterbury Road, Worcester before finding cannabis


Police found a dangerous hole in the floor.

80 per cent of the house was devoted to the grow with just a small front bedroom used as living space.


Worcester News: HOLE: A dangerous hole was cut in the floor

HOLE: A dangerous hole was cut in the floor


A man has been arrested inside the house on suspicion of cultivating cannabis and taken to Worcester Police Station for questioning.


Worcester News: ARREST: Police have arrested a manARREST: Police have arrested a man


The electric has been bypassed.

Officers were warned in a briefing not to touch any switches for safety reasons.

Western Power will need to perform checks and make the house secure.


Worcester News: ELECTRICS: The home's electrics have been tampered with

ELECTRICS: The home’s electrics have been tampered with


Worcester News:


Worcester News: LOFT: Sergeant Pete Frankish checks the loft but no drugs were found in there

LOFT: Sergeant Pete Frankish checks the loft but no drugs were found in there


Police estimate there are 150 plants close to full maturity downstairs and 80 smaller plants in the preparation room in the upstairs bedroom.


A ‘preparation room’ was found in an upstairs bedroom with ventilation tubes.


Worcester News: PREPARATION: A preparation room was found upstairs in the house

PREPARATION: A preparation room was found upstairs in the house


The plants were being grown in the living room and a dining room with a wall knocked through.


A large number of cannabis plants were found in a room downstairs. The plants were held up with strings.

The plants were around 5ft tall and appear almost at the point of harvest.

Worcester News: CANNABIS: Strings hold up the large plants

CANNABIS: Strings hold up the large plants


Worcester News: RAID: Police rush into the home in Canterbury Road

RAID: Police rush into the home in Canterbury Road


Officers wearing PPE used an enforcer to batter down a door in the semi-detached house


Worcester News:


Police have raided a property in Worcester and found a substantial cannabis grow inside.

Officers smashed down the door Canterbury Road, Ronkswood, this morning (Tuesday, March 15).

Our reporter was with police to see the drug raid take place.

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