Antigua: Man caught outside HMP with bag of weed fined; prisoner found with weed gets more time

A man was stopped in his tracks by a police officer stationed at His Majesty’s Prison (HMP) with cannabis he admitted he was going to “make fly” over the wall.

On October 13, a constable stationed in the south tower of the penal institution observed a man walking along a footpath on the eastern side of the prison wall with a black bag on his back and his face covered with a black mask.

The officer saw the defendant, Rasheam Francis, stand up, remove his backpack and take out a white bag which he placed on the ground next to him.

As a result, the officer quickly left the tower and went to the defendant, told him of his observation and asked to search him.

The defendant consented and the search resulted in the discovery of 165 grams of cannabis worth $1,650.

Francis was arrested, charged and brought before the court yesterday where he not only admitted to possession of cannabis, but also told Chief Magistrate Joanne Walsh that he intended to toss the drugs into the penal institution.

The defendant was then fined $5,000 which he has to pay by the end of the year or he could spend a year behind bars.

Meanwhile, Julian Morgan, who is serving a 16-year sentence for rape, was sentenced to spend three more months in HMP for being in possession of 60 grams of marijuana.

At around 5.30am on the same day, October 13, officers searched the cell where the defendant was being housed and found a pillow with a hole in it.

Inside the pillow was a small transparent bag with cannabis valued at $600.


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