We apply our entirely subjective bong score to each event
1 Don’t Bother Unless You Need A Well Deserved Sleep
2 You Might Learn Something But We Hope You Didn’t Pay For It
3 This is really something, interesting presenters, well worth the money, and i actually will learn something
There are many aspects of the cannabis industry that are still far from figured out or that even have a legal framework. When it comes to HR, staffing, labor and employment in this industry there is still much to be determined. Cannabis companies have unique challenges as employers and more so for those operating in multiple states. Even more, for patients and consumers in adult use markets who work there is a high degree of uncertainty as to what rights and protections they have.
Some common employment law pitfalls facing mainstream and marijuana businesses include how to classify and compensate workers, sexual harassment, unionization and, more recently, coronavirus-related work issues. Register Here Join us as we sit down with an expert panel to discuss the labor and employment issues, opportunities and challenges.