Malaysian Princess Aims To Free Cancer Survivor Dr. Ganja From Possible Death Sentence Over Cannabis With Help From LPP

Amiruddin Nadarajan Abdullah, also known as Dr. Ganja or Dr. G for short, is awaiting a possible death sentence for selling chocolate bars and brownies made with hemp seed oil in Malaysia. Now, Malaysian Princess Tengku Chanela Jamidah and the Last Prisoner Project are working together to help appeal his case.

After experiencing the benefits of medicinal cannabis and hemp for his cancer recovery, Dr. G began to invite people suffering from cancer and other ailments to his village home in the district of Klang. He is not a formal doctor but was gifted the name “Dr. G” after his work sharing hemp oil medicine. Dr. G was arrested in 2017 and charged with 36 offenses under Malaysia’s Dangerous Drugs Act. The 62-year-old cancer survivor and grandfather of five also spent 22 years serving in the Malaysian army. Malaysia currently has some of the strictest cannabis laws in the world, with a mandatory death penalty for convicted drug traffickers.

There is a documentary that details Dr. G’s heartbreaking story, with moments of the real-life phone call Dr. G had with his daughter Siti informing her of his arrest. Dr. G remains more hopeful and optimistic than anyone in his position should be forced to be, showing strength in the face of this unconscionable prison sentence.



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