Last Prisoner Project Webinar



We apply our entirely subjective  bong score to each event

1 Don’t Bother Unless You Need A Well Deserved Sleep

2 You Might Learn Something But We Hope You Didn’t Pay For It

3 This is really something, interesting presenters, well worth the money, and i actually will learn something




June 17, 2021 marks exactly 50 years since President Nixon famously declared drugs “public enemy number one.” The all-out offensive that ensued fueled the over-policing of our neighborhoods, the militarization of our law enforcement agencies, the tragedy of mass incarceration, and countless other inefficiencies in our criminal justice system that continue to plague our nation today. And as we know all too well, the so-called War on Drugs—and the carceral state it has helped to create—has really always been a War on People.

Keep reading to find out how we’re marking this anniversary with a day of action, and pushing for a true dismantling of the drug war.

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Dream Corps Justice and The Weldon Project to present “50 Years of Injustice: Time to End the War on Drugs.” ⁣ ⁣This evening of action, which will take place this Thursday, 6/17, will feature leading policymakers and activists like Congresswoman Barbara Lee, Congressman Kelly Armstrong, Killer Mike, Nkechi Taifa, Kwanza Hall — as well as LPP’s very own Donte West and Natalie Papillion. ⁣ ⁣

Join us as we discuss uplifting the voices of targeted communities, rectifying old wrongs, and organizing to pass just and equitable drug policy reform-focused legislation on the federal level. ⁣ ⁣

To RSVP for the free event click here.

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