Oregon Cannabis Assoc – Latest Regulatory Roundup

Here’s what they say


There was a flurry of cannabis legislation in 2021. We had some successes, one big heartbreaking loss, and fought back some dangerous tax legislation. I could not be more proud of the way our members came together to advocate for our industry, and am so very thankful for your support that gave us the lobbying resources to protect our interests!

– Kim

HB3112 Cannabis Equity Act: Not Passed – Before we celebrate any legislative victories, we must acknowledge that the session ended without making this significant investment in economic justice, and no legislative pathways were created in our industry for Black, Indigenous and Latinx Oregonians through cannabis equity licenses and funding support. The Cannabis Equity PAC which formed to push the bill forward will still stay open, and the coalition who met to originally craft the bill will come back together to look at next steps. This fight is not over, and the OCA is committed to supporting this effort for as long as needed.

SB408 Cannabis Omnibus Bill: Passed – The OCA championed this common sense industry modernization bill, which includes several items that should save time, money, headache and improve regulator relations. Below is a short recap of the bill’s main points. The bill goes into effect on Jan 1, 2022, and there will be a lot of companion rulemaking that will come out of the OLCC (so don’t start doing these things just yet).

HB2015 & SB864 Retail Sales Tax Increase: Not Passed – We rallied together early in the session to fight HB2015 which would have allowed cities to increase their cannabis sales tax from 3% to 10%, and we were successful. Then right before the session ended a duplicate bill popped up on the Senate side. That bill passed the Senate, but thanks to the incredible work of our lobbyist, Jonathan Manton, and our legislative champions fighting back, the bill did not make it through the House. The quick way this bill popped up and almost snuck through, is a testament to the need for strong associations like ours looking out for our member’s interests.

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