Cannabiz report: TGA warns rule-breaking clinics after issuing 32 cease and desist orders

Australia’s Cannabiz website reports that the TGA has issued cease & desist letters to 32 companies who are supposedly engaging in illegal marketing & advertising of CBD products in Australia.

That as they say is for the courts to decide, and the TGA will happily spend taxpayers money to ensure prosecutions.

Read the report. (paywall) at

So.. this government is being true to form per our story earlier in the week about Australia Border Force issuing a notice about bringing CBD into the country, is, instead, spending money, resources & time on telling people what they can’t do rather than actually looking at the root problem with medical cannabis and CBD legislation as well as the way the industry is set up to benefit the few over the many.

We wouldn’t expect otherwise


Here’s an example of one of the notices they have issued

Man fined $10,656 for alleged unlawful advertising of cannabidiol including COVID-19 claims

17 December 2020

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), part of the Department of Health, has issued four infringement notices totalling $10,656 to a West Australian man, for alleged unlawful advertising of cannabidiol (CBD) under the Therapeutic Goods Act 1989 (the Act).

The man allegedly advertised, on websites and a social media platform, various oils containing CBD that were prescription only medicines. The Act prohibits consumer advertising of substances included in Schedule 4 (prescription only medicine) or Schedule 8 (controlled drug) of the Poisons Standard.

The various oils containing CBD were not included in the Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG) at the time of advertising. The Act prohibits consumer advertising for therapeutic goods that are not entered in the ARTG, unless a specific exemption, approval or authority applies (which did not exist in this case).

The TGA alleges that the man referred to prohibited representations in promoting the CBD oils on a social media platform as a treatment for cancer and a cure for brain tumours.

The Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code specifies that representations relating to the treatment, cure, prevention or diagnosis (including screening) of neoplastic diseases, including all types of cancer, are prohibited representations.

The man allegedly also promoted the CBD oils on a social media platform using restricted representations by promoting them as a preventative for COVID-19, and as a treatment for Parkinson’s disease and epilepsy. Any claims or references to treating a serious form of a disease, condition, ailment or defect are restricted representations.

Under the Act, the use of prohibited or restricted representations in ads for therapeutic goods is unlawful without prior approval from the TGA.


If you want to search the infringement notices this is the page you need to trawl through

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