Green Market Report: Women are Losing Power in Cannabis at an Alarming Rate

Great report from GMR cutting through the corporate bullshit propaganda and all that feelgood wellness fluff that keeps pumping out good news messages in the belief that if it is said enough it’ll be believed.

Cover Image : Tracy Moffat (Australia) Invocations Series

The reality as GMR says is this..

In October 2017 Marijuana Business released the results of a survey on women in the cannabis industry. The survey found that women held 37% of executive-level roles in the cannabis industry. This was a milestone that women throughout the industry celebrated with excitement and promise as many women leaders began to plot the path to achieving 50% in five years. 

These numbers were used to encourage women across the country to leave their traditional, corporate jobs and find a place where they could contribute their skills to the growing industry. The high gains made activists believe that women really could hold power in a lucrative and dominating industry. The numbers inspired women to apply for licenses and open ancillary businesses, hoping to be among those benefiting from such strong industry support. 

The bubble burst in August 2017 when Marijuna Business announced those numbers had dropped to 27%. It was still considered a win as U.S. business as a whole women only comprise 24% of executive positions. But it wasn’t a win, it was a sting and it reverberated throughout the community. Women started leaving cannabis faster than they were coming in. 

Then came another blow. A Vangst survey in 2019 revealed only 17.6% of women surveyed held a Director or Executive Role. 2020 took women in the U.S. out of the workforce in droves and now one in four is considering not returning to work. It isn’t just the cannabis industry that is suffering a loss of female talent.

The future’s looking grim for those women still working in cannabis. In March 2021 Benzinga released a report saying that only 8% of CEOs in cannabis are women! Women are truly losing ground in cannabis…fast. 

Read the full report at

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