Norwegian Press Reports AROD Oslo Cannabis Police Action

Aviso Oslo’s take on the AROD action that we reported on yesterday care of Google Translate

Here Yngve smokes cannabis right in front of the police: – Nice moment

NEVER TOOK THE JOINT: The police seized all the drugs shortly after this photo was taken, but not the joint of Yngve. Photo: Simen Kjellin

He himself is surprised that he did not receive a report from the police.

On Saturday, the Alliance for Rights-Oriented Drug Policy (AROD) held an action outside the Police House in Oslo, Greenland.

The action involved a sale stall of cannabis. Several showed up to observe the action, which ended with the seizure of all the drugs, as well as a review. In short, the reason for the action is to exercise the right of review of the law.

In the video that you can see a little further down in the case, you see that the leader of Arod, Roar Mikalsen, invites people to fire up one of the joints that was on the table.

Expected to be arrested

One of those who accepted the offer was Yngve. He does not want to have his last name in print.

He tells Avisa Oslo that it was a matter of course that he should take part in the action. As Yngve fired up the joint, the police came over to cancel the action.

– I immediately thought that I would join in. Someone has to show face in our fight for a sensible regulation of cannabis. I had to fire up a joint on the action, but I expected to be arrested there and then. It would not have cost me a calorie in that way.

Yngve has approved that Avisa Oslo publishes the video of him. The initiator behind the campaign, Roar Mikalsen, has done the same.

Roar Mikalsen says that this was an important action.

– We showed up to promote human rights in drug policy. The persecuted groups have a picture of rights that remains overlooked by politicians, and we are doing this to find a solution to an increasingly difficult situation. According to the principle of distribution of power, we therefore go to the courts, so that the political process can be subject to the rule of law, says Mikalsen.



Cannabis is drug-listed and prohibited in accordance with the Narcotics Regulations § 5. This means that the manufacture, acquisition, sale, import, export, storage, possession and use of cannabis is prohibited in Norway.

Mikalsen committed this criminal act on purpose, as the goal is to exercise the right of review of the law, according to himself. The Arod leader and the drug were allowed to stand in peace for a long time, but when Yngve supplied himself with the drug on the table, the police intervened.

As far as I know, the police never took the smoke from him. Someone asked why the officer’s service number was not available when he was to stop the transfer, and it ended up that he had to explain this to the spectators. Then it looked like he forgot what he started, and the smoke went on. It was a good moment for those who showed up, but I hope I do not have to do this again.

The article continues after the picture

THREATS OF REPETITION: Mikalsen can hold several such actions in the future. Photo: Simen Kjellin

Mikalsen further says that everything now depends on the Attorney General.

– He has supported a drug reform on the basis of the same principles as Arod, and we bet that the High Prosecutor’s Office will continue to defend the rule of law. But if he fails, then we will have to repeat the action.

Avisa Oslo contacted the operations center in the Oslo police district on Saturday night. They could not comment on the case at that time.

In the video, one of the policemen can be heard saying that a criminal case will be opened on the matter. Mikalsen is brilliantly pleased with that.

Facts about the government’s drug reform

  • The drug reform is a reform presented by Erna Solberg’s government on 19 February 2021.
  • The reform means that the use and possession of small quantities of drugs for personal use will no longer be punishable.
  • Drugs will continue to be banned, and the sale of drugs will continue to be punishable.
  • A minority in the Storting consisting of the Liberal Party, the Conservative Party, the Socialist Left Party, the Red Party, the Green Party and the Christian People’s Party voted in favor of the drug reform. A majority consisting of the Labor Party, the Center Party and the Progress Party voted against, and the proposal thus did not pass.

Source: Wikipedia

– Personally, I think the police made a good effort. They took care of their part of the job very well, now the Attorney General is waiting. He now has a good opportunity to secure the rule of law’s guarantees for the persecuted. It involves a comprehensive human rights analysis.

Mikalsen himself thought that the police should stop the operation before people could fire the joints.

– It went better than planned. We had expected that the police would stop the operation earlier than they did.


POLICE OBSERVE: Shortly after the photo was taken, Roar Mikalsen was reported. Photo: Simen Kjellin

The demonstration is supported by Frogner Venstre’s District Committee representative Tore Wilken Nitter Walaker.

“I support the demonstration and the demonstration that society spends a disproportionate amount of resources on such a ban,” Walaker told AO.

Walaker emphasizes that he would certainly not recommend that young people use such narcotics, but that he believes narcotics should be regulated by the authorities.

– I think we should change the drugs law at the national level so that we get it away from the criminal environment to state regulation. Today there is no regulation, only criminally you also close your eyes to the rest, he says and continues:

– Quality control, turnover in legalized shops, regulated opening hours, age limit and qualified advice with regard to use, potential abuse of such substance should be introduced. This will make it far safer for people to use it, and they will not have to come into contact with criminal circles every time they get a joint, he believes.

Bad advertising for legalization

Jon Helgheim, parliamentary representative for FrP, has little faith in Mikalsen’s action. He himself is against drugs and legalization.

– This was a bad advertisement for legalization. It was difficult to understand what he should actually try in court, other than that he seems to think that it is a human right to sell hashish. I disagree with that. I am against the legalization of drugs, because drugs never bring anything good, but destroy people and families, and lead to crime.


Oslo 20210807. 
FrP starter valgkampen med toppkandidatene Jon Engen-Helgheim i FrP's lokaler i Oslo.
Foto: Fredrik Hagen / NTB
CRIMINALITY: Jon Helgheim in FrP does not believe the action will lead to any legalization of drugs. Photo: Fredrik Hagen


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