How To Get Your Cannabis or CBD Site To Rank Higher in Organic Search Results

With the rising popularity of cannabis or CBD products, there is also a significant increase in the number of online shops and websites. So if you are starting a new business or just have set up your web page, you may want to make sure it does well. One way to do this is to buy ads on social media and search engines. It is relatively simple, but you have to remember that your website must comply with rigorous platform guidelines.


Facebook, for example, allows advertising CBD products as long as your ads don’t mention CBD directly. Even if that works for you, keep in mind that your posts or links will have this “ad” badge next to them and that more and more internet users declare that they will never buy anything they find in ads on social media.


Another way to rank your site higher in organic search results is by improving your search engine optimization. To do that, you should publish optimized content, improve user experience, and, most importantly, build links to your website. Once you pick the right SEO strategy, you will notice an increase in organic traffic. If you want to learn more, check this article out.


Build Backlinks

Building links is currently one of the major aspects of search engine ranking. The idea is simple: the more authoritative websites link back to your website, the higher your website ranks, and in effect, the higher it lands in search results. But how do you do that? You can either create unique and valuable content that people will share on their pages or reach out to blog owners to publish guest content from you.

Creating unique content can indeed be a difficult task, especially if you run a website in a competitive market such as CBD products. What’s more, it requires your site to have some existing traffic, as your content won’t market itself. That’s why it is more effective to start building links by collaborating with other unaffiliated blogs, especially if you’re just starting.

There, you can write any content related to your niche. The important part is that you include a link to your website in it. This will increase your domain rating, or in other words, improve your position on the search engine results pages and thus provide more traffic. It may seem like a bit of a complex process, so if you aren’t sure about your abilities, you can use one of many CBD link building services available.


Publish Optimized Content

After you get enough high-quality backlinks, it is good to maintain the same high quality on your blog. That means publishing optimized content that fits the general rules, like appropriate word count or number of paragraphs and pictures. In addition to that, you should include relevant keywords.

Picking the right keywords may seem easy; now, you are probably thinking about words related to cannabis or CBD. And indeed, those are important – they are what your potential visitors look for. But apart from that, you should incorporate the terms they use to find information on the topic you want to talk about, or in other words, phrases they use to ask search engines about it. You can also use many free tools to find out what are the currently trending queries.

Keep in mind that even though you use your content to increase your website ranking, your primary target audience is your actual visitors. That means the content needs to be relevant to the topic. Otherwise, your visitors will bounce back and look for answers on other websites. If this happens often, your site will also drop in rankings.


Improve User Experience

It is common knowledge that content quality is essential. But what many people overlook is that it should come in pair with a good user experience. Some of the most common tips are that you shouldn’t abuse pop-ups, redirect your viewers randomly, or that your page should load as quickly as possible 

Apart from that, make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. In 2020, mobile devices were responsible for 68.1% of internet traffic globally, so it should come as no surprise that your website should at least support dynamic content scaling. And if your website has a separate mobile version, it should contain the same content as the desktop version.

Similarly, when it comes to accessibility, make sure that you use correct alt tags and metadata. Alt tags allow people with screen readers to know what is shown on images or other visual elements, and metadata such as title and description often appears in SERPs. Many smaller web pages lose their ranking points by omitting such details.


In Conclusion

In short, ranking higher in organic search results requires optimizing your website according to the general SEO requirements and gathering multiple high-quality links to your page. And as you can see, there are three factors that play a major role in the process 

It works the best if you get it right from the onset, meaning that your website should include a mobile variant and correct metadata. On top of that, the content on your page should contain accurate keywords that indicate your intent. And finally, to increase your website ranking effectively, you should build links to your website by participating in blogger outreaching.

Optimizing your cannabis or CBD website for organic search results is the best thing you can do to boost your ranking in the long run. While there are many ways to jump-start your website, like buying ads or using black hat SEO techniques, they often work only for a limited time, and furthermore, can bring an opposite effect.

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