4 Reasons Why CBD Products Are Very Popular In 2021

CBD is all the rage, and has been for quite some time. Most cannabis by-products are legal these days, and the CBD industry has been booming. It may have been difficult to anticipate a few years ago the extent to which CBD would proliferate and become as widespread as it has been, with boutiques selling high-end CBD infused products in fancy neighborhoods throughout the country. The cannabis plant is having a moment, and anything in the marajuana “neighborhood” is considered not only fashionable but almost mundane. The days of Reefer Madness style hysteria over anything associated with the substance is long gone. Here are a few reasons why CBD products are more popular than ever this year.

Epilepsy Treatment

While the jury is still deliberating this one, it does in fact seem as though CBD products can help treat epileptic seizures. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the use of CBD to help treat the condition in individuals as young as two years old. This study is, of course, well-vetted, and has offered plenty of hope to sufferers of epilepsy. The use of CBD seems to ease the number of seizures patients have considerably, which has caused many medical professionals to take notice and begin prescribing it to others.

Ease Opioid Addiction

The country’s opioid epidemic is a tragedy that has left many feeling vulnerable and without a support system of any kind. It’s truly horrifying, and many who have suffered through this specific kind of addiction have been at a loss with how to recover and get better. However, hope in the form of CBD seems to be on the way. To gain a deeper understanding of this, you can click here for a brief introduction to CBD and its uses. In general, studies seem to suggest that it can help treat people who have become entirely dependent upon opioids. In fact, one study administered CBD to people struggling with a heroin overdose. It was found that within a week, the extreme symptoms of withdrawal had subsided, as did anxiety, and it stabilized their resting heart rate. Thus far, few indications of negative side effects have been found.

Help with Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety are serious mental health conditions that should be taken seriously. So many people still suffer in self-imposed silence given the associated stigma. Given the last two years people have had, given the pandemic, and the attendant political turmoil, it’s no surprise that more and more people are seeking assistance with depression and anxiety. Therapy is definitely an important route to take, but one reason why CBD products have become so popular as of late is that they help people to better cope with these mental health issues. CBD products are mostly touted for their incredible ability to help calm people, which is one of the reasons why it has become so popular. According to various clinical trials, individuals who took CBD before speaking publicly in front of a big audience were able to remain calm and deliver their remarks with relative ease. It might be interesting to see how these studies compare for people who traditionally use beta-blockers to make it through a public speaking engagement. In all cases, it seems to ease symptoms of anxiety considerably.

Likewise, when it comes to depression, several studies – in mice, not humans – seemed to indicate that CBD can have a similar effect to substances usually used in antidepressants such as SSRIs. In mice, they were shown to be less lethargic and their mood was improved enough to encourage healthier eating patterns and the likes. Human trials are still required, but studies so far suggest that CBD can induce a similar antidepressant to the body without the psychiatrist-mandated subscription. Of course, it is yet unknown the extent to which CBD can help more severe cases of depression.

Chronic Pain

People who deal with chronic fatigue syndrome, or any other issue that makes it difficult to function on a daily basis, such as back pain, IBS-related pain, and so on, will be encouraged by the fact that CBD can help their condition considerably. CBD products have been shown to help people suffering from issues related to multiple sclerosis, as well as cancer pain, which has typically proven to be unresponsive from other medications or traditional therapeutic interventions. This is a major reason why medical marijuana use has largely been a successful effort throughout the country. People dealing with all sorts of issues, such as glaucoma, feel that CBD oil is a godsend. Even various neurological conditions have been shown to ease up once confronted with continuous use of CBD-infused products.

While scientists and medical researchers continue to do the necessary work of vetting the utility of CBD products, most results have been promising and exceeded all expectations. It is definitely a therapeutic and helpful substance that can ease the pain of many people, vouching for its increasing popularity.

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