UK: Children collapse in school after vaping fake cannabis oil laced with Spice for £10 a bottle

Several children have been rushed to hospital after collapsing in school from vaping fake cannabis oil laced with the dangerous drug Spice.

Kids as young as 12 are being targeted by Snapchat drug dealers in schools across Greater Manchester, experts have warned.

There have been several reports of pupils in the region collapsing and being hospitalised after inadvertently vaping the potentially deadly synthetic drug.

Researchers for the Greater Manchester Testing and Research on Emergent and New Drugs report, which was published this month, were told 10ml bottles of e-liquids supposed to contain THC, the chemical that causes a high, were being sold on Snapchat for as little as £10.

Genuine cannabis oil products often sell for between £40 to £60.

But when two THC e-liquids connected to the hospitalisation of children in Trafford and Bury were tested neither contained any cannabis product, but both were found to contain synthetic cannabinoids used to make Spice.

The report says a 15-year-old boy from Trafford was hospitalised and on one occasion three children were taken to hospital by ambulance after collapsing at a Rochdale school after vaping supposed cannabis oil.

The school’s headteacher told the report: “We had to have them blue lighted to hospital at the time.

“So I knew, when these kids were collapsing, I knew obviously something was wrong and I knew that they couldn’t just be taking something that they thought that they bought from a shop that’s supposedly had cannabis in or something like that.”

Full report

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