6 Myths About CBD Products You Should Debunk

Marijuana has a long history, including good and bad days. Once taking the name of marijuana was considered a sin, and its consumption was a crime. But now, things have changed, and different states have legalized marijuana plantations. This is all thanks to CBD, or cannabidiol, one of the most important cannabinoids identified in cannabis plants. But what makes CBD different from other cannabinoids is its therapeutic properties.

The users of CBD products claim to have seen improvement in different medical conditions, including depression, chronic pain, insomnia, epilepsy, anxiety, etc., after its consumption. So, no wonder CBD-related products are everywhere in the form of tinctures, gummies, oil, cosmetics, and a lot more. But despite the growing popularity of CBD items, various myths surround this product that make it difficult for some individuals to make an informed decision.

Here we have debunked some CBD related misconceptions so that everyone can have a clear picture to make a better decision:


Myth # 1: CBD Causes High

CBD is derived from the plant known for its high causing properties, sure, but CBD doesn’t contain high causing properties. THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, in cannabis plants has psychoactive properties, mainly responsible for causing high as it binds to the high causing receptors of the brain. However, CBD works differently by interacting with the body’s endocannabinoid system. It interacts with different receptors to regulate stress, sleep schedule, pain management, immune system, mood, etc. So, it doesn’t cause high feelings.

Myth # 2: CBD is Illegal

Various states have allowed marijuana usage for medical purposes under defined legal stature. But the federal government hasn’t legalized marijuana consumption. However, the dynamics of CBD are different. It is readily available in different forms everywhere, and all states and the federal government have legalized CBD products under different restrictions. Moreover, the FDA has also allowed researchers to conduct CBD trials. So, CBD consumption isn’t illegal and you can buy it without any fear of getting into legal trouble.

Myth # 3: All CBD Products are the Same

Not all CBD products are the same, and they vary depending on the manufacturer, source plant, other ingredients added, amount of CBD used, and the purpose of that product. These factors can largely impact the potency and content of the product. So, instead of buying any CBD item you find in the market, it’s better to carefully choose the product from the right dealer after knowing what you need exactly.


Myth # 4: CBD Benefits Have No Scientific Proof

In the past, there were not many scientific experiments and trials for the impact of CBD. But things have changed after FDA eased out regulations in 2015 to carry out CBD trials. So, there are huge developments after that. Recently, the FDA approved Epidiolex, a CBD-based medication, to treat seizures. This is because Epidiolex has been proven an effective treatment after going through various clinical trials.


Myth # 5: CBD is Only for Adults

Another myth associated with CBD is that it is only for adults, which isn’t true at all. Some CBD-related products have shown great results to treat certain types of ailments and health conditions in children. CBD doesn’t cause high, unlike THC, so it can be given to children after consultation with health practitioners. In fact, there are also CBD-related products for pets in the market.


Myth # 6: CBD is a Panacea for All Ailments

Those who have read or heard about the benefits of CBD think that CBD is a cure-all solution. Well, it’s true that CBD has proven to be beneficial for treating various health conditions, but it’s not a solution for every health issue. Besides that, certain products work better for some issues, while others are good for some other health concerns. So, you should first understand your health issues and then choose the product accordingly to get the best results.

There might be many controversies surrounding marijuana usage, but CBD has proven to be a good fit for the healthcare regimen in various cases. But it doesn’t make CBD the best product for everyone and everything. So, instead of falling for the good and bad rumors, it’s better to know and analyze things yourself and make an informed decision regarding the usage of CBD products.


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