Australia’s Cann Global Excutives Paying Themselves Shitloads of Money – Shareholders have had Enough

Cannabiz Australia has the story that somebody was eventually going to publish. 

Shareholders have delivered a warning to Cann Global management over executive pay packages after almost a third of the share register voted to reject the company’s remuneration report.

While the resolution to adopt the report was formally carried at its annual general meeting, the size of the revolt – 32% – handed Cann Global a first strike under the Corporations Act 2001, comfortably above the 25% threshold needed to do so.





Under the two-strike rule, a similar outcome next year could trigger a spill, leaving the company’s board facing re-election.

Investor protest, which extended to several other resolutions, followed anger late last year over commercial relationships with entities relating to Cann Global’s founder and former chairman Pnina Feldman.

Unrest centred on a multimillion dollar arrangement with Australian Gemstone Mining – a private firm owned by Feldman – that had provided a range of services for Cann Global since 2007.

Here’s the full story

Cann Global board issued warning as shareholders revolt over executive pay structure


Here’s the type of gumph they write about themselves on the website illustrating how herbal they’d like to think they are !

The market tells us another story

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