Grace Tame Australian Of The Year 2021-2022. Not Only Does She Put Our Idiot PM In His Place She Smokes Bongs Too

Can’t we just vote her in to run the country now !

The Daily Mail reports

Pictures of Australian of the Year Grace Tame with a bong has renewed debate about the prohibition of cannabis – with many saying it’s time to legalise the drug.

An Instagram photo from 2014 showed the then-19-year-old sitting on a couch smiling with a giant bong next to her. Daily Mail Australia doesn’t suggest Ms Tame had used the bong.

The resurfaced image was quickly deleted by the 2021 Australian of the Year when Daily Mail Australia inquired about it – but has since sparked debate with many saying the photo showed just how commonplace marijuana was – and that prohibition should be overturned.

Richard Denniss, a chief economist at the Australia Institute, took to Twitter to share his two cents on the contentious cannabis debate.

‘The lack of photos of me smoking bongs at 20 is due only to the high cost of film photography in 1990 rather than any shortage of bongs in my life back then,’ he tweeted on Monday night.

‘While I think private photos should stay private, thanks @TamePunk for leading our debates again. Let’s legalise it #auspol.’

Many other Twitter users agreed with the economist over his calls to make cannabis legal.

‘Good one Richard and @TamePunk. Love it, on so many levels. We are all human, with or without photos to prove it,’ she said.

‘Absolutely – enormous waste of taxpayer resources goes into attempted control through criminal justice system. Great for tax income Colorado earned $432 million in the last year,’ another agreed.

Many high-profile personalities were quick to signal their support for Ms Tame when the photo went viral on Monday.

Comedian Wil Anderson was among the most outspoken supporters and posted an old photo of himself pictured with a bong as online debate raged.

‘It’s hard but I forgive Grace,’ he joked in a follow-up tweet.

Anderson echoed the support by others by sharing their tweets, including Australian musician Ben Lee.

‘She just keeps getting better,’ the four-time ARIA award winning singer and songwriter wrote.

The Project host Peter Helliar joked the picture could even get Ms Tame a second nomination for Australian of the Year.

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