March 29: Miller Nash: Cannabis, Insurance, and Risk Management: Tools to Prevent Loss and Make Insurance a Profit Center


We apply our entirely subjective  bong score to each event

1 Don’t Bother Unless You Need A Well Deserved Sleep

2 You Might Learn Something But We Hope You Didn’t Pay For It

3 This is really something, interesting presenters, well worth the money, and i actually will learn something


Broadcast Date: Tuesday, March 29, 2022, noon – 1:00 p.m. PST

Cannabis operators and ancillary service providers face mounting losses and liabilities from theft, cyber-attacks, natural disasters, product recalls, text marketing, and employment wage and hour issues. In 2022, risk management and insurance should be at the forefront for the cannabis industry. While minimum limits of insurance are often purchased as part of licensing obligations, they are often treated as an oversight and later forgotten. After discussing the risks faced by the industry, we will share numerous insider tips and tricks to make risk management and insurance a profit-center instead of a loss.

Topics include:

The biggest cannabis industry risks, and how to mitigate or avoid them
“Must have” insurance policies for operators in all verticals, “red flag” policy terms, best practices for applications, and more
Insurance considerations for M&A transactions, representations, and warranties
Drafting contracts to protect your business, including risk-transfer language and additional insured provisions
Proper claims-handling to avoid coverage denials, and tools to fight back on improper denials
Following the update, the presenters will remain available to address questions.

Who Should Attend?
The complimentary webinar is for cannabis industry professionals, insurance brokers, risk managers, and in-house counsel. Please share this invitation with your colleagues and encourage them to register.

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