Pennsylvania Psilocybin Research Bill In Limbo After Key Committee Chair Raises Concern Over Mushroom ‘Overdose,’ Sponsor Says

Marijuana Moment reports..

A Pennsylvania bill meant to promote research into the therapeutic potential of psilocybin mushrooms for certain mental health conditions may be in jeopardy, with the sponsor saying that the chair of a key House committee is expressing reservations even after the legislation was amended in an effort to build support.

The legislation from Rep. Tracy Pennycuick (R)—titled the “Psilocybin Data Act”—was originally introduced last year, but it did not advance. A revised version filed this month notably removes a key provision allowing state Department of Health to authorize two entities to cultivate the psychedelic for research purposes.

But the sponsor tells Marijuana Moment that the “watered down version” is still facing a major obstacle in the committee where it’s been referred.

Pennycuick said that supporters are “struggling” with the chair of the House Health Committee, Rep. Kathy Rapp (R).

“I am not sure she will even run this,” the sponsor said. “To say I am frustrated is mild compared to how I really feel. I have worked this bill for months.”

Pennycuick said that she’s been working to build support for the legislation for months, but then the chairwoman “shifted course due to an overdose death in her district” allegedly involving so-called “magic mushrooms.”

Two points on that: First, the bill would not legalize psilocybin. Second, the psychedelic has a very low toxicity rate. The Drug Policy Alliance explains that “sensationalized media coverage of psychedelic-related deaths [have] misattributed the role of psychedelics like psilocybin in causing suicide or accidental death.”

Rapp’s office did not respond multiple requests for comment and clarification from Marijuana Moment.

Pennsylvania Psilocybin Research Bill In Limbo After Key Committee Chair Raises Concern Over Mushroom ‘Overdose,’ Sponsor Says

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